
by beksbks 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • sacolton

    Scary music ... check.

    Scary sound effects ... check.

    Strobe light ... check.

    Pumpkins ... check.

    Props ... check.

    I'm ready for Halloween!!!

  • TopHat

    I love the month of October, my favorite month but Halloweenie never made any sense to me.

  • momzcrazy

    I love Halloween. Our first was last year. I am setting out the decorations today. I am the only one in our snooty neighborhood who goes all out. But the kids love when they come to the door.

  • beksbks

    Right on Momz!

  • jamiebowers

    We don't decorate much, but I always make sure we have chocolate candy to give out to the 300 to 500 kids that run around our neighborhood. After trick or treating, the Kiwanis Club sponsors a cake walk. Our city has a population of 5002, and I think everyone is there except my husband. I like Halloween but love Christmas!

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    I'm going to sleepy hollow with a "worldly" meetup group on the 13th... In celebration of demonic holidays

  • blondie

    Last year we were in a new neighborhood with a lot of kids and gave out candy and wore costumes at the door; this year we will be out of town though.


  • Aculama

    When I was a kid I looked forward to Halloween more than just about anything else. The fall festivals, haunted houses, scary movies (not sick ones though), trick or treat....all that fun stuff!!! When I got a little older it got a little weird though. Some people in our area started speaking out against it and tried to make it out to be satanic. There were also some cases of tanted candy. All of these things added up to a loss of glee. I wish things were as simple and innocent for my kids as they were for me. Now my kids have to go to the mall to trick or treat. they don't even get to roll yards or leave flaming poopie bags on folks porches with a quick ring and run.

  • mrsjones5

    I love it too. I don't buy costumes for my kids. They have to think up something and put it together. Last year my two older boys were the Mario Brothers and my youngest boy was the little dragon Yoshi. I should have taken a picture.

  • ninja

    it's my mother in laws most embarrassing time of the year....people usually tell her that her outfit and mask are the scariest things they've seen in ages ...and that she must have put a lot of time and effort into it ...all the while stuffing apples and chocolate into her bag....and she's only out in the ministry

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