I met with a surgeon yesterday about blood - wow

by BonaFide 33 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Quandry

    this is probs more about keeping control so she isn't frightenned, shes facing major surgery, the blood issue is complex,

    Yes, Reniaa is right.

    The woman wants to be in control. The WTS feels that it knows more than the medical professional with years of training. This is obvious by its making these confusing videos. The poor woman knew nothing of the medical uses of different "blood expanders and additives" yet felt the need to make sure to educate the doctor because-well, the WTS said so.

    Of course the issue is complex and confusing-don't take blood-bad, bad-but you can take SOME PARTS of it. Where do these parts come from? OTHER PEOPLE'S BLOOD, or now even COW'S BLOOD.

    I'll bet the surgeon went home shaking his head. O.K., they will not take blood...but they'll take pieces parts...but that's not blood?

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    Reniaa - when blood is transfused it does not go through our digestive system - it is more like an organ that our body can't do without (and organ transplants are conscience matters, no?) than a food that nourishes us. That's why those same Christians you talk about and Jews were/are perfectly happy with a blood transfusion but won't eat certain foods that contain blood.

    Hope this helps.

  • LisaAnn

    I agree with Reniaa!

    That poor, poor woman! Can you even imagine being her? Obviously she doesn't even have family that she trusts to go to the doctor with her, and now she has to face surgery alone.

    She's been so used to doing whatever the Society tells her to do because she trusts whatever they say. Why should she learn the scientific reasons? She isn't basing her decisions on the science, she's basing them on what she's being told to do. Why does she have to pretend otherwise?

    Yeah, yeah, I know the answer... (sigh) It's the legal department in NY. I wish things were like they used to be, when elders would rush into the hospital and tell the doctors what to do. At least that would be more honest.

    Of all times for them to abandon her, when she's already so afraid of getting major surgery! Shame on them!


  • jgnat

    The original Christians would rather die than to worship and sacrifice in the Roman temples. It wasn't over blood.

    You do remember the original dispute was not over "eating blood" but the differences between the Christians from the Jewish tradition, following all the old traditions and prohibitions, and the new (gentile) converts? Paul allowed that the gentiles were not required to follow the old prohibitions.

  • rebel8

    After reading that story I am reminded how hopeless I feel the blood issue is with jws. This woman is SO brainwashed she thinks everything the surgeon says is a lie or a trick of Satan. She also thinks she's a smarty-pants for knowing some Borgalicious lingo which she doesn't even understand but keeps repeating like a drone. You know, because reading Asleep! Magazine is equivalent to a college degree, she obviously knows a lot more than a surgeon.

    There is almost no way to break through that reasoning. :( I still have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand I feel the Borg is responsible for brainwashing her. OTOH she is responsible for turning over control of her basic reasoning power to someone else.

  • HAL9000

    Having seen some of the printed and video based material that is made available for JW's contemplating serious surgery, I can have some sympathy for those who take the WTS line that "bloodless surgery" is a viable option and get confused when talking to doctors.

    Religious considerations aside, the presentation that is given by the WTS "experts" seems a logical considered approach to their moral dilemma - whether or not to have a transfusion. It is only when one undertakes informed research into the practices that are promoted by these publications / videos that the "bloodless" options become less (very much less) desirable and have serious potential for adverse reactions.

    I really do get the impression that:

    1) the woman really was not listening to what was being proposed by the Doctor

    2) she had been overloaded by a great deal of irrelevant information containing technical jargon that she did not understand..

  • Pistoff

    JGNAT wrote:

    "Because the whole reason that blood is sacred is because it is a symbol of life. "

    Jehovahs witnesses view the symbol as more important that the reality; they will sacrifice their lives willingly and leave children, grandchildren and family over a misunderstanding.

    The jews did not eat blood over what they felt was God's command to not eat the meat along with the blood. Why? Who knows. As jgnat stated, modern Jews do not refuse blood, and never did; they get the idea that it was a DIETARY restriction.

    The WTS gladly allows people to die unnecessarily because they do not understand this, and are too proud to say that they don't know why the (jewish) elders in Jerusalem carried the dietary restriction over.


  • M.J.
  • wednesday

    This sister sounds so typical of jws's who don't know a thing about medicine and should listen to the surgeon. Very few docs are just waiting for their patients to go under anesthesia so they can infuse a few units of blood in them against their wishes. they don't just "top you of" you know.

    It is a wonder jws can find anyone to do surgery on them. How insulting to the doc that a graduate of the Awake school of Medicine challenges him on something he does everyday.

  • truthseeker


    What scriptual origin is there for blood *transfusions*?

    It's pretty obvious that the misuse of blood referred to animal blood and the eating of blood.

    If you were to ask the Apostles of the time "well, what about blood transfusions", I don't think even Luke the physician would have known what you were talking about.

    You are attempting to fit a square peg in a round hole.

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