I met with a surgeon yesterday about blood - wow

by BonaFide 33 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Mary
    But the sister kept on getting mad at him, now she said, "Well, I really think you are a great surgeon if you refer me to another doctor who will respect my wishes." He asked her again what specifically she didn't want done, but she said, "I don't want you to store my blood." He said he wouldn't store it. Then she asked him if he would clean it, she wanted her blood cleaned with a machine that keeps the blood moving............At that point I jumped in and said that since she had said she would accept blood fractions, and blood fractions have been stored, that I think it would be ok, but it is up to her. She said ok, finally. But she looked confused and angry.

    This is the end result of the Borg's insane (not to mention, confusing) doctrine on blood. You've got sisters like this one who appears obsessed with the possibility that her blood might "stop" while outside of her body, thereby condemning her to eternal death, yet she'll accept blood fractions that have obviously been stored. When the inconsistency is brought to her attention in a nice way, she "looked confused and angry".

    This, IMO, is exactly what the Organization wants: they want the R&F to be confused because that way it'll help deflect the inconsistencies in their current "new light" status. This is especially true of older Witnesses who, almost without exception, are not well educated. The current "accept" and "can't accept" lists are ridiculous and it's still playing with people's lives.

    Totally sickening.

  • reniaa

    we just shouldn't forget that it's does have scriptual origin the big question is would jesus have applied the blood rule to transfusions as well as eating of blood?


    this is a random internet answer from a none-JW source, Witness have banned smoking using bible principles of uncleaness. Personally stem-cell research has me worried because I can envision a future were using stuff grown from fetuses will become the norm to cure certain illnesses,

    When a Jw sees the blood scripture in their mind they say once Christians would die rather than eat blood so how much more sacred is blood taken from another human and then injected into me?

    This is a real difficult one, it's at times like these I wish I could have a conversation with jesus a proper one.

    Why did God put such an importance on blood that we weren't even supposed to eat it?

  • berylblue

    I've got a better question, Renaia. How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? You'll make more sense out of that one that God's alleged prohibition on blood, dear.

  • jgnat

    Renaii, I think the Witnesses have completely missed the boat when interpreting the scriptures regarding blood. No Jew, orthodox or not, would refuse a blood transfusion, no matter how literally he took the admonition. Why? Because the whole reason that blood is sacred is because it is a symbol of life.

    In ancient times, when an animal's life was sacrificed to feed a family, the deed was not done lightly. The animal was dispatched swiftly to reduce suffering, and the blood was poured out "as an offering" for it's (unwilling) sacrifice. The death was humane and reverent. These rituals reminded the ancient Isrealite that he is to live better than a beast, reverently, in full respect of God and life. Life is a miracle.

    Any Jewish scholar would tell you, though, that all these dietary laws are secondary to life itself. We, also, are a creation of God, and we are to treat our bodies as temples to life. So, for example, if an orthodox Jew were caught in a desert with nothing to eat but pork, he will eat pork. It is better to live than to break this prohibition. http://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/268996/jewish/The-Value-of-a-Life.htm

    So, then, the Watchtower interpretation of the prohibition, not to take blood (which in my opinion, only ever referred to eating blood, not transfusions) on pain of death, is a horrible mis-reading of God's intent. Anything that saves the life of man, is sacred.

    Jesus gave his blood for us all, and we are to freely drink of it. (John 6:55-56)

    Blood is not icky, it is sacred, as a symbol of life.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    What idiots I can't believe I wore a blood card around my neck as a teenager....if I had a time machine I would go back and kick myself.

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    Reniaa - its very simple - JESUS BROKE ONE OF THE 10 COMMANDMENTS TO SAVE A LIFE.

    Life is more sacred than anything else. You have your answer - your thinking is still clouded by the Organisation's hold over you.

    The sister is a victim - it's no wonder she's so confused - the Society has a lot to answer for with their insane blood policy that no one can get their head around.

  • besty


    Would you sacrifice your marriage to save your wedding ring?

    Yes or no.

    Jesus broke one of the Ten Commandments to heal someone on the Sabbath. Give me an example of the WTS saying its okay to break one of their rules to save a life. Quote please.

    Eating meat with blood was permissible to the Israelites - you just had to wash your hands afterward.

    Jesus wanted mercy, not sacrifice. What does the WTS demand?

    This thread is only telling us <again> that the rank and file don't understand why the WTS asks them to forego basic human rights.

  • yknot

    This is a common move for the WTS, watch the video, research your CD and you talk to the Doctor.

    It frustrates many JWs but actually saves many too! The WTS has so many absolutes and all of a sudden 'mother' want you to decide for yourself!

    HLCs vary, more and more are becoming less party-line loyal too.

    This tactic limits liability.

  • reniaa

    This is all very well but it doesn't explain why early christians nearer to original teachings than us would rather die being fed to lions than eat blood sausage?

    Although I do get the save your life principle and that jesus doesn't want sacrifice

  • Mary

    Here is the section of my project that I've put together on blood. Now I don't want anyone to get the idea that I'm Einstein. This information is a compilation of a variety of sources, discussions we've had on JWD, research I've done as well as my own observations. It's not entirely complete yet but given the fact that Reniaa seems to think that the Society's ban on blood transfusions has scriptural support, I thought it was timely that I post this.

    It's a long read but I've tried to keep it as simple as possible, as I wrote it with the view that it would be used to try and reason with active Witnesses in showing them that the WT's view on blood transfusions has no scriptural support whatsoever. And unlike the Organization, I've tried to reference my material as much as possible so it can't be viewed as something I pulled out of thin air:

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