How long did you stay active after having major doubts?

by jambon1 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I could leave as quickly as I did because I didn't have family breathing down my neck like I used to have.

    Moving a long ways away from family that's in is the only way I could have done it as quickly as I did.

  • yknot

    Once yall provided the information that 1919 was bogus (using WT pubs)....... I began negotiating my exit.

    Wow less then a year ago, while I was a diehard reformist........I never would have imagined I would leave Jah's organization.

    truth set me from the 'troof'

    Thanks & hugs to everyone associated with this board!

  • LearningToFly

    I had doubts mid teens, but was fully awakened at age 20. Although at the time I still believed in the religion somewhat, I could not tolerate some major flaws.

    It took many years of researching to totally leave in the spirit/mind, brainwashing ideologies are hard to kick, thankfully this site taught me much and I was finally able to leave totally!


  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    JWFacts set me free in a weekend (April last year)

    Quit going that weekend. Couldn't stomach a minute longer once the scales fell.

    Integrity trumped friends and family. I wanted my boys to grow up without the isolation/hang ups of being JWs if it wasn't the truth and didn't want to be always looking over my shoulder.

  • independent_tre

    I only had doubts about a few things initially, but after coming to this site, my fade kicked into lightning speed. I've only been on here for maybe 3-4 months, but after this site and reading CoC, I was completely disgusted. I haven't been back to the meetings in almost 2 months. Maybe because I never was an exemplary dub to begin with and I did not buy into the 'fire and brimstone' approach, being scared into baptism out of fear of the big A.

  • Freedom2003

    My husband knew about 10 years before he left that he needed to get out. He finally told me, and we were both out in six months.

    Family ties and emotional blackmail makes it really difficult to do what you know you want and need to do.

  • passwordprotected

    8 weeks or so. I'd always had some doubts, but just filed them away like most JWs. However, a series of things happened very quickly that pushed me into a position of studying the Bible and realising that the WTS teachings were bogus. A slow fade wasn't going to be possible for me for a variety of reasons, so I just stopped going. I didn't plan on making that decision public, but my hand was forced.

  • Poztate

    I would say 3 to 4 days... My problem... The shift in dealing with DF'ed persons (family issue)

    I am not sure of the dates but about 1976 or so a more lenient attitude was expressed towards DF'ed family members.

    As long as there was no POZTATEā„¢ views expressed you could have a normal...for the most part relationship with your family.

    They quoted scriptures and everything to back up their position on the subject. I think now the article was written by Ray Franz trying to inject a little humanity into the borgs teaching.

    Along about 1981 a hard line position was taken again against family relationships that persists to this day. They quoted scriptures and everything to back up their position. I was so upset that I confronted a visiting CO just before the meeting about the subject. It ended in a mini confrontation and I walked out of the KH.

    A few days later the CO and PO came for a visit. The bottom line was follow the slave...wait on jehovah.... new light ... etc etc etc

    I never went back and don't miss it a bit. As a minor concession to my still believing dub wife I attend memorial. This might be useful if they ever start to DA long time faders. I can point to my perfect memorial attendance as proof that I haven't dropped out...only slowed down a lot......


  • yknot
    The shift in dealing with DF'ed persons (family issue)

    Gosh they have flipped flopped so much on that stance. Of currently we are back to one of the strictest....stupid Ted.

    For non-relatives: Is strict avoidance really necessary? Yes,

    Relatives in-house:

    Adult: no longer have spiritual fellowship.

    Child: loving parents may arrange to conduct a Bible study with the child.*

    * For more information about disfellowshipped minor children living in the home, see The Watchtower of October 1, 2001, pages 16-17, and November 15,1988, page 20.

    Relative not living in home: contact should be kept to a minimum. Loyal Christian family members do not look for excuses to have dealings with a disfellowshipped relative not living at home. Rather, loyalty to Jehovah and his organization moves. them to uphold the Scriptural arrangement of disfellowshipping.

    Finally oldie but goodie...* Bible principles on this subject apply equally to those who disassociate themselves from the congregation.

    I reiterate STUPID TED

  • jwfacts

    10 years

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