How long did you stay active after having major doubts?

by jambon1 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Poztate
    I reiterate STUPID TED

    I hear you load and clear.

  • independent_tre

    Honestly, I think due to GB's monitoring of this site and others, it won't be long before they take a hardline stance against Faders also, twisting some scripture to show how they are bad association, apostate, etc....

    I think I'll follow Poz's lead and keep perfect attendance at the memorial.....that way I may have something to fall back on, should they take this position... 45 minutes out of a year is a small price to pay to keep my family relationships in tact....

  • Nulite

    After the 1995 generation article came out I knew something wasn't right. My mind was however still being controlled until 2006.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Yeah it took a good couple of years of faking it before I just gave up completely. Wasted time indeed.

  • eyeslice

    I think I became disillusioned first, then lacked the motivation to push myself as I had in the past and then the doubts set in. A process that took 2 years from stepping down as an elder, to finding this site, and six months later, deciding simply to stop going to the meetings any more.

    10 years ago I was serving in a congregation in a 3rd world conducting just about every meeting. Now it has been 5 years since I have been to a meeting; oh how time flies.

  • WTWizard

    From getting baptized in year X, I started having serious doubts that I was ever to receive the blessings only a year or so later. And, by the time it was 1990, I was only in it to please those in the congregation and to associate with certain others. When the hounders started busting that up and trying to get me into doing it for Jehovah, that's when I began to wind down (that was around 1996, the last year I actually classified me as one of Jehovah's Witlesses).

    After that, it took me another 9 years to come to a full stop, and another 15 months and one computer to go 100% apostate.

  • yourmomma

    3 months, it was quick. i would have stayed for life, but once i found out they are liars, that was it.

  • civicsi00

    Less than 6 months. There was no point staying "in", knowing that it's a false gospel. Why spend ANY time trying to bring ANYONE into that mess?

    I've spent my time since then doing further research and debating if/how I should get my family out (sisters, mom, etc.)...

  • KingArthur

    I became an MS in 97 and started doing more study as I should no more 'bout it. This studying to "remove doubts" created more. Then there was the generation change, the sheep and goat thing and now its okay to do alternate service for military 1998 I think. sooner or later they loose credibility. In 2001 my Dad go sick and died in 02. Last ASSembly on july 03. So I spent year and half in fade mode. I did get half doz Elder calls but I eluded to brainwashing at one point and that was the last of it. Was baptised in 71, remember the beating heart on the platform? 30 years of my life and the best ones wasted. No real education and never really worked at any thing worthwile (janitor). Now to old and sick to do much. I have found a few worldly friends who care and will even come by to visit, unlike before visit is to give you Sh@t for something or to drag you to service. Art

  • And He Ran
    And He Ran

    About ten years. It isn't easy leaving though, when it's so ingrained in you and when all your family are JWs. I do view it now as ten years wasted though, wish I'd left at 20 instead of 30.

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