Is age just a number? 30 year difference between partners....

by LouBelle 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • zagor
    or is it just about the sex?

    How old is he now? If over 18 (hence not illegal, sex with a minor thing) then everyone should just butt out. I think he is just infatuated with an older woman (many young boys are with their teachers in particular around 15, 16 years of age, some later) and she enjoys attention and the fact that she can still sweep a young bloke off his feet at 49. It will pass, cut them a little slack. In fact, more everyone turn against him more likely is he to run into something even more stupid like a marriage.

  • LouBelle
    cut them a little slack

    I'm not all that bothered as they are not close to me - it's the poor mother whose stressing - imagine seeing it from her side.....

  • greendawn

    It's just a number unless the relationship involves marriage ie is of a permanent nature in which case the young man will not be able to have children with the post menopausal woman.

    But I feel it's a temporary kind of relationship since I can't see him with this woman once she goes past the age of 60 by which time most womens' physical attractiveness, their most vital asset in a relationship, will be completely or almost completely withered.

    Attraction between members of the opposite sex that are 30 years apart may well be nothing unusual. I quite often have young girls who are 15 to 19 years old seeking an intimate relationship with me as if no age difference exists between us but I keep them at a safe distance because I am 47 years old.

  • lisavegas420
    This affair started when he was 14, making her 44.

    A 14 year old boy.


  • jaguarbass

    17 and 49 in Florida is statutory rape, if they have sex and life in prison.

    I guess 18 and 50 is ok though.

  • free2beme

    From what I have seen, age means nothing until your difference has the older one feeling the problems of age, when the other is 20 or more years from such problems. As an example, my grandfather was with a woman 20 yrs younger. All was good, until he hit 70 and she was 50. He had serious medical issues, related to his age, and she was not that unhealthy. It put a lot of stress on her, at a younger age and despite years of defending his age difference ... in the end, it was more then a relationship could handle and it ended. Not something all that uncommon with large age gaps.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    15 years between wife and I

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