Why does the WTBT Society exist?

by Princess Daisy Boo 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    PDB.. I have met most of the GB... they seem to fully believe in what they do... the are completely deluded and are Captives of a Concept..... although the power, the good life, and the adulation (worship-like) must really go to their heads... but they see evrything through watchtower colored glasses...


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    For the viewing of those who missed this quotation where elsewhere posted:

    The sole purpose of our existence as a Society is to announce
    the Kingdom established in 1914 and to sound the warning of
    the fall of Babylon the Great [in 1918]. We have a SPECIAL
    message to deliver.

    --- Fred Franz's words to Bethel family, November 17, 1979.

  • sweetstuff

    Why does the Catholic religion exist, the Mormons? The WTBT? Because people in general look externally for solutions to the problems humanity faces instead of looking inwards. Everyone wants a "savior" instead of saving themselves.

  • Gopher

    Daisy Boo -- you asked how the WT makes money.

    (1) Remember those articles about the multiple ways to make donations -- like people who contribute their estates at the time of their death to the WT Babble & Trick Society (instead of giving it to their children who drifted away from the organization).

    (2) Buying property on the cheap, refurbishing it and selling it at market prices (real estate in Brooklyn is very pricey). See this article: http://www.brownstoner.com/brownstoner/archives/2008/01/watchtower_dive.php

    (3) Long-term investments. Example: http://www.geocities.com/wtgreed/article.htm

    (4) Keep expenses low with volunteer labor.

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle


    Your wisdom, matches your avitars stylish charm.

    I agree.

    The Oracle

    PS to Sacolton: If the bible is true - then I would agree with your assessment of how the WTBS fits in to prophecy!

  • jamiebowers


  • amama2six

    (4) Keep expenses low with volunteer labor.

    Oh yes, I remember the few Kingdom Hall quick-builds I went to where they got all JWs to volunteer their work...no labor charges! They just fed everyone for a couple of days...big whoop. I think even a lot of the material was donated.

    My Dad used to do the literature counter for awhile...we'd go to Brooklyn every month or so to pick up more. We toured the factory a few times over the years and went to the Stanley Theater, too. They HAD to have money to get that place looking the way it does!!! Actually, it seems a little lavish (the Stanley Theater) for what are supposed to be a "non-materialistic" people.

  • TrekkerJW
    A@G: "I have met most of the GB... they seem to fully believe in what they do... the are completely deluded and are Captives of a Concept..... although the power, the good life, and the adulation (worship-like) must really go to their heads... but they see evrything through watchtower colored glasses..."

    I don't get how that's even possible. It seems like someone high up must know that it's a scam...

  • trevor

    The WTBT exists to fulfill a need for people who want to belong to a group.

    To give solace to people who need a hope for the future and the comfort of being approved by a god.

    To offer love to people who believe that love is an external force that they are vessels for.

    So people can feel superior believing that they have found the answer to the mystery of life and are to be rewarded for their faith.

    For people who need 'spirit' forces operating invisibly and guiding them through life.

    In short - it exists for the same reason as all other religions!

  • Dismembered
    Re: Why does the WTBT Society exist?

    For the almighty dollar. It's a book publishing corp, disguised as a religion, with a sales force that works for free. What could be better for them?


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