Why does the WTBT Society exist?

by Princess Daisy Boo 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • civicsi00

    Compound Complex nailed it. That's the whole reason they're preaching, in fact, that is still the basic core of the message. That message is also buried underneath all of their false prophecies, strange interpretations, and ever-changing "new light" on what the hell "this generation" actually means. LOL

    Most of all, I think the GB are just deluded, Captives of the Concept that they are IN God's only organization on Earth. With delusion comes the greed to have power over the people...

  • BizzyBee
    They don't really have the truth so it can't be that? Unless "they" at the top truly believe it - do you think they do? Is it for monetary gain? Is it for the power trip that the GB gets from have so many million eager followers?

    I think your question is: What motivates the GB to continue? - surely some of the members, like R. Franz, must know that this is not the truth?

    Part of the answer is: conformity to an existing power structure - groupthink.

    Eight symptoms that are indicative of groupthink:

    1. Illusions of invulnerability creating excessive optimism and encouraging risk taking.
    2. Rationalising warnings that might challenge the group's assumptions.
    3. Unquestioned belief in the morality of the group, causing members to ignore the consequences of their actions.
    4. Stereotyping those who are opposed to the group as weak, evil, disfigured, impotent, or stupid.
    5. Direct pressure to conform placed on any member who questions the group, couched in terms of "disloyalty".
    6. Self censorship of ideas that deviate from the apparent group consensus.
    7. Illusions of unanimity among group members, silence is viewed as agreement.
    8. Mindguards — self-appointed members who shield the group from dissenting information.

    Recognize any of these symptoms in the WTS?

  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    Thanks for all the posts - you all have given me a lot to think about although I must admit that I generally try not to think to deeply about this sort of thing, I suppose my own little real life avoidance technique?

    What resonated most with me was one of you mentioned the unwillingness to seek answers from within ourselves.

    If it is the money and the power, then I feel like I need to be really angry, but if it really is that they are deluded and truly believe that they are God's only organisation, then I am sad!

    The thing is, Lance, logic tells me that they have to know it is a lie, yet the fact is I have met enough real old souls at the South African Bethel to know that they truly believe, so why wouldn't the GB?

    I guess we each have our individual ideas on what the truth behind the truth is...

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle


    Yes - those symptons are everywhere within the JW organization - not just the GB. At the congregation level these symptons are rampant.

    The Oracle

  • 2112

    Sweetstuff is right on the money- A large majority of people just abdocate their responsibilities in the hopes that they will not be held accountable for their own actions or inactions. They don't vote or they let someone else tell them who to vote for. Then it is not their fault if the choice was a bad one. They don't think for themselves about religious matters and just fall back on well me Pastor/Perachor/Elder said this or that so that is what I believe. Again thinking all the while that, if they are wrong it is not their fault.

    Fools, all of them fools!

  • sullengirl0108

    I have thought long and hard about the GB and what they are really all about. I have met some of them, been to Brooklyn Bethel more times than I care to enumerate and listened to them speak at conventions. They always seemed to me to really believe in what they were spouting out to us.

    But that to me is the most disturbing part. I mean they are really old guys. They always stick to the same line of reasoning...always ending every speech with the same freekin sentence....JEHOVAH'S DAY IS AT HAND! Really loudly and alot. Is this them just trying to convince themselves that they haven't wasted their lives on this? I mean I have seen some of them really flip out on stage...ranting and raving about God and Jesus and how it is the only way to live.

    They have put people in padded cells for less.

  • Terry

    1881 - Zion's Watch Tower Tract Society formed.

    Was Russell's intention to start a new religion? Absolutely not! Russell was a dabbler in strange ideas who wanted to create a business which dealt with religious novelties. Russell did not even like religious organization nor did he wish to be the leader of any religious sect.

    He described his view when he made out his will:

    "Zion’s Watch Tower Society is not a ‘religious society’ in the ordinary meaning of the term; for it has no creed or confession of Faith. It is purely a business association, whose mission is to serve in a business manner the wishes of its beneficiaries, who are represented in its officers"
  • jaguarbass

    The last I heard they were a pulp publishing company with a sales force that works for free.

    Has that changed?

  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    I hear what you are saying Sullengirl!

    Terry - of only they had stayed like that 'ey?

    Jaguarbass - If they are merely a pulp publishing corporation, lol, then how do they make their money - I know that they are not allowed to "sell" the mags anymore, just accept donations - do you really think that they make so much money from that?

    In terms of money making, the property line of reasoning seems more viable to me...

  • maximumtool

    I have always thought that at the center of the WTBS Headquarters, behind the printing press, sits a huge Gravity drive. It sits there spinning and waiting and when activated opens a door to a dimension riddled with pure chaos. Whoever is exposed to this doorway spreads darkness and pure hellish evil...

    Oh wait, that was the movie Event Horizon...

    I dont know why they exist, probably cause they can, and cause they suck.

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