Is There ANYTHING More Monotonous Than Living As A JW?

by minimus 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • Preston

    Have you ever seen the movie Groundhog day?

    That little scene where Bill Murray hit the alarm clock and (POOF) the day was the same as the day before, as the day before, and so on and so on...? This was what it was like for me to be a JW. The meetings were the same, the conventions were the same, the people were the same. I mean people did move away, but its almost like they never left, and were never missed. Never in my life has living such a monotonous way of life been so...well, monotonous. You pretty much knew what your life would be like from the time you had the rountine in place to the time you died, baring an illness or something life-threatening.

    This was what it was like for me to be a JW, and the funny thing is... I can't actually pinpoint my actual "not going to meetings anymore" phase. It was such a life-changing moment it just... well...happened. I think I just reacted and I told myself to just leave and never go back.

    And that's why I think the Bible is BS. I think as the Watchtower would so eloquently put it, "back in those days" all people did was eat,drink, do chores, get high and get some. It's actually been scientifically proven that people living in solitary environments, or doing monotonous routines for long periods of time, their minds react and ... start making stuff up. They didn't see angels, or demons, or seven-headed-ten-horned wild beasts... this was just a moment in time in civilization where people had little to amuse themselves with so their minds did it for them.

    They were the earliest JWs, they believed, but it wasn't real.

    - Preston

  • LovesDubs

    preston you must have been in my hall LOL! see my post above

  • Preston
    preston you must have been in my hall LOL! see my post above

    Hi lovesdubs.... I don't know if you and I were in the same hall here in AZ, however I do believe we have the same taste in cinema ;-) Preston

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