Should I go to the elders about the affair?

by weeone 53 Replies latest jw experiences

  • whyamihere
    I am not religious and I don't care to go to meetings so If no one wants to speak with me that is fine.

    If that is the case, why would you go to the elders? I absolutely agree with QuestioningEverything - it does seem a little spiteful on your part.

    Let me explain it this way, you're hurt, therefore you want him to hurt as well. What good will that do? Afterwards, you'll still hurt and who knows what the elders will say or do. Basically, what you have to do is get "over" him. get out meet someone new and the feelings of being spiteful towards him will go away.

    Guys like that are not worth it, trust me - I know. I've been through a few break ups in my life to know.

    Just get over him and don't do anything "Fatal Attraction" on us.....

  • DJK

    I say move on with your life.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty do realize that this is an ex-witness board.

    Unless you are looking to mess up this guys life(which I suspect you do) there is no need to tell the elders anything. Look back fondly on your tryist and the fun you had sneeking around getting sex in various places and enjoy the rush.

  • yknot

    Welcome to the board!

    Seems like you have a lot weighing on your mind.

    It hurts when people shun or give dirty looks.....the need to defend yourself is strong.

    Talking to the Elders is like opening Pandora's box, what comes out can never be put back in & the consequences are always more then expected.

    Perhaps some personal therapy would be more beneficial.

    You said you are not interested in going back.......and that is good because it is a money making corproation rather then religion now.

    Do not let these people (local congregation members) have power over your mind or emotions.

    It is in the past and today is the present, tomorrow the future.

    Live life, enjoy the roses, be merry and move on.

    Happiness & a balanced life are always the best revenge.

  • oompa

    NEVER EVER NEVER EVER!!!!!!........

    and welcome..........oompa

  • burningbridges

    sounds to me like you just want revenge. I f you want it that bad, tell his wife, not the congregation. Let her decide what to do with the info.

  • burningbridges

    oh yea, check out this link before you ever ever walk into a hall again....

    and never ever tell the elders anything. all you do is give them power over your life.

  • mrsjones5

    ...the answer to your question in heading: Never go to the elders about anything. You'll get more advice on that as the the thread progresses.

    Double Ditto

  • changeling

    I agree with the posters that say you sound like you want revenge. Other than that, what could you possibly have to gain? Personally, I tend to agree with what his wife called you.

    changeling :)

  • digderidoo

    Hello and welcome to the board.

    Why would you want to go to the elders if you're not religious now? It does sound as if you want to get back at him.


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