AFTER 25+ YEARS, finally my stepdad gets a JC

by crazyblondeb 83 Replies latest members private

  • Quirky1

    You did the right thing CBD!

  • Velvetann

    Crazyblonde it must be difficult to have had to deal with this for so many years with no justice. I hope he is at least exposed so he can't hurt anyone else. Though it still doesn't seem fair that he will not be punished for the childrens lives he messed up in the past, yours included. He should be in Jail for the rest of his life. The JC is obviously not a punishment.

    Hugs from Velvet

  • sf

    How splendid.

    You did real good gf. Be proud of the voice you have and have USED to help other children.

    {{ a warm hug for YOU and your inner little girl shelley }}

    Sincerely, sKally

  • VoidEater

    My sincerest congratulations, and (while you've done the work needed for healing) also my sympathies.

    When everything was ignored in my own childhood case (with my grandfather), I never had the focus or energy to pursue things later on. Now that I do, he's long dead. I cannot describe the relief when he died all those years ago, like a weight I never really understood was there.

    All the best!

  • calico

    Wow! Even if nothing is done to him, keep warning people that he comes in contact with. Very cool and brave of you!

    If no action is taken against him, then I guess holy spirit condones molesters!

  • flipper

    CRAZYBLONDEB- I am so proud of your courage and what you are as a decent, protecting, loving human being, words can't even describe it ! I give you 4 thumbs up for your courage, tenacity, and love of justice and what's right in pursuing this ! I know it was hard for you- but by bringing this out as you said you are protecting potential multiple children from becoming victims in JW land. And you are basically making the point I had in my thread a few weeks ago about this subject ! There ARE courageous victims who will stand up to this injustice done against children. Good for you friend, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • beksbks

    Wow CBB. There's been a lot of congratulating you for doing this for other children, and that's true. But I also congratulate you for doing it just because IT IS RIGHT. No one should be let off the hook for one of the most heinous things a human can do.

  • crazyblondeb

    Thanks everyone. I did it for any other children, and I did it for me. It's what I needed to do to finally close this chapter. A huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders this last week. Especially after I told all my sisters, and my brother. I do this, with their full support.

    Thanks for all the encouragement, and the PM's!!


  • JK666


    I admire your tenaciousness in pursuing justice after so many years. I hope something is done to him, but we should have no expectations of the corrupt Organization. You have done everything in your power, and I am proud of you.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    First, let it be known......I expect NOTHING to become of this

    Excellent. Excellent attitude and excellent expectations. You sound grounded and centered about this, and that is good. I truly hope you find some closure with this. Please know you have a lot of people cheering you on, whatever the outcome.

    Watch out for meeting with the elders alone. I would encourage someone with you, even if you're on the phone. If you must, then do what you need to do to protect yourself.

    Also, it might help if you journal about your feelings, thoughts and so on as this process goes forward. If you feel angry/sad/scared, then write down what comes to mind. Get it out now, without repressing. Talk here, or in person to whomever your real life support group is.

    I truly hope you get what you need out of this.


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