AFTER 25+ YEARS, finally my stepdad gets a JC

by crazyblondeb 83 Replies latest members private

  • dinah

    Shelley, I remember the night you called that creep's PO. That PO seems like he actually has some common sense. You did a good thing. Hopefully he is on "the list", if he wasn't before at least maybe he is now.

    IMHO, there shouldn't be a statute of limitations on molesting children.

  • changeling

    Good for you! It seems your stepdad has finally landed in a cong. that is reasonable and realistic. I hope they do the right thing.

    changeling :)

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    I think the days of the Watchterror swiping things under the rug are slowly coming to an end, too much media coverage now.

  • chickpea

    sufffer the little children....

    someone should explain that bit of scripture to the WTS

    good on you for pushing the issue!
    i hope your recovery is well along

  • BFD

    Well done, CrazyB.

    Please let us know whatever the outcome is of the JC. It's been a long time coming.

    I am glad you can forgive him. I am not sure I could ever do the same.

    Love ya!


  • dwtnphotog

    I don't know how long the "list" has been around, but I'm hoping my dad is on it!

    I wrote a letter to him and his body of elders. I haven't had any contact with them since.

    I did hear through the grapevine that he stepped down from being an elder after I sent the letter.

    I also know that since I am df'd and (omg) gay, I'm the crazy one in the family and I'm avoided like the pleague! YYAAYY for me!!

  • coolhandluke

    FWIW I'm proud of you for seeing this through and making sure this asshole never hurts another kid. Thank you for all of us that have been through this.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Way to go Shelley! I'm proud of you girl for doing what you have here! Protecting children is of the utmost importance! I hope the PO will keep you informed of what's happening.


  • snowbird

    That is some good news.

    You did yourself proud.


  • JWdaughter

    You have done everything right in this matter (since the time he abused you!). I always knew you were awesome. I hope he is removed from any perceived authority over his congregation, and I am glad they have been made aware of him.

    I thought the whole POINT of the list is that it is to protect the cong. If his fellow ELDERS don't even know, then I guess that tells you how effective their LIST is in keeping the congregation clean.

    I am thrilled to know that the elders in his current congregation are not ignoring your concerns or statements.

    They are not all assholes. Scuse my language:)


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