A witness dinner- Puts on Samuel Herds {Gov.body} talk I nearly choked!

by Witness 007 72 Replies latest jw experiences

  • dogon

    Heard is just an uncle tom who wants to live in the big house with master. I gress if I could not work for a living and live off of people who really work for a living, even if they give it to an idiot org. Crazy people saying insane things.

    Look carfully at the people who are going to the hall, many are people on the edge of living in the looney bin. I once talked to a lady we will call laney danenberg, she would tell evey one that the united states bombed japan and started ww2, When I said I think you have that backwards, she went into a tieraid on how I bought into the propaganda. You can not argue with these people just keep the hell away from them.

  • Lady Zombie
    Lady Zombie

    So, just because you're a member of the GB, you can spew any amount of psychotic ramblings and be given a free pass to do so?

    Actually, I'm all for these crazy whacked out diatribes from the GB. It helps illustrate to people just how crazy this cult is.

  • donny
    Heard is just an uncle tom who wants to live in the big house with master

    While this statement may be a little politically incorrect. it's proabably not that far from the truth. A friend I have known for several years who had served a sentence in Bethel, told me that in the early 1990's, the GB was often referred to as the Good Ol' Boys club, which it was. It had been over 110 years since the Society had been established and over 60 years since the gates of Heaven closed in 1935 and still there was not one non-European on the GB. This despite the fact that the Org claimed to be out of all nations, tribes, peoples and tongues. The GB felt this increasing pressure and eventually relieved it somewhat when Mr. Herd was appointed.

  • WingCommander

    First off, I will say that I am a Christian and therefore believe that Armaggedon will indeed come at some point in time. If it is prophecized in the Bible, it will happen. That is my belief. Therefore, during either the Great Tribulation or Armaggedon, I do believe the accounts in Revelations that state people will submit to a kind of madness, so that they will beat upon themselves, fight each other, etc.

    Now that that is out of the way, let me address GB Member Herd. I feel it is ok to talk about how things might be at the End based upon the Bible, but to actually induce this kind of fear-induced paronia is lunacy, and outright irresponsible. Actually claiming that the wicked will be blaming "college professors" for their spiritual problems is ludicrous, and it shows just how far their fear of education has come. Is there any wonder they have the CO's orally distributing their updated policy against any education?????

    If this were played to any normal person, and then they were told that they HAD to listen and obey GB Member Herd, they would run for the hills! I mean, this is lunacy.....this is nearing Jim Jones paronia here.......how far off can the Kool-Aid be based upon what we are hearing coming out of New York? To whip everyone up into a fear-based frenzy about the end of the world is not what Jesus had in mind I believe. Destruction of mankinds rule as a good thing? Sure, because I'm sure we'd all like to see God's Kingdom ruling justly for ever and ever. I got no problem with that. Going into outlandish, completely hypothetical diatribe about WHO or what exactly will happen? Pure speculation and irresponsible. Who do there old loons think they are? Oh thats right, Brothers and Heirs with Christ Jesus. Wow.

    My brain would hurt if I had to listen to an entire talk based upon this. If I were in an auditorium during this, I'd have to be looking around at other people wondering why they aren't getting up to leave as well. This is some freaky shit right here.

    - Wing Commander

  • LockedChaos

    Couldn't listen to it straight through
    Had to skip around

    Weeping, crying, lamenting

    Choking, Gagging, Puking


    Opium for the masses

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    The Witness family that played this for me thought I would be "scared" back into the truth....their teenage daughter said she found it scary. I was so angry, I now know Sam Herd is an imbicile. He really sounds mad and pathetic.

  • Borgia

    From Sam "crazy"Herd's........monologue:

    Learn to run with endurance. Learn to run with obedience. Learn to run hard. Learn to train yourself.

    What does all that bloody rubbish mean? The context shows: give all your money to build KH and stuff and sit in on all and every meeting and do exactly what they (GB) tell you to. And he called it the armageddon survival class and called it education.....

    "[don't} play it again, Sam" I just had a lovely diner.



  • lilybird

    This talk just reaffirmed to me that the "god" the dubs worship is cruel and bloodthirsty. Not the type of god I would want to worship or live in any eternal paradise worshipping. This guy is a total fruitcake, but you have to give him one thing,,,, he knows how to talk to hypnotize and keep the dubs in fear of straying from the organization. As long as you still have the blinders on , you would really be terrified to ever think of leaving.

  • mrsjones5
    "He explains how Armagedon is almost here...Babylon will soon fall...clergy in brokylin are being put in jail now...some have had there faces slashed...people breaking into convents and "robbing Nuns...RAPING NUNS" He used extra emphasis!???? He says imagine the great tribulation people will be "clubbing to death clergy and College Professors".....for not encouraging them to study with Witnesses...{Is this Brother on drugs!} Then out of no-where he slams the "new anionted" brothers who are the "biggest trouble makers in the congregations" Some are just newly baptized! He then goes on to say how happy brothers will be who "gave all their money to the Kingdom Hall instead of loosing it at Armagedon."

    I think Sammy should be a ashamed of himself...telling everyone about his wet dream...

    P.S. I think he's an Uncle Tom too (a term that isn't used too much nowadays and yes I do know the historical context of that term and it's evolution)

  • bluesbreaker59

    I think this guy and most uber Dubs are complete nut jobs. My grandma is an uber dub, she'll believe any shit from the GB, hook, line, and sinker. She's given her whole life to this stupid cult.

    I presume you didn't allow this shit to be played at your house? I wouldn't ever let ANYONE come to my house and make me listen to WT readings, talks or other garbage, that stuff is NOT WELCOME.

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