Dropped from my Bible Study like a hot potato

by navytownroger 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • legalchickie

    Welcome navytownroger, you have many friends here. I don't get to post often b/c i don't have a computer at home, but will soon. I love this forum. i no longer feel that i am alone or that i am a bad person b/c i have left the wt. i am currently visiting my son on the east coast and using his computer. BTW, he was df'd about 12 years ago b/c he was drinking at a party with other jw kids, but they only df'd my son, none of the other elder or ms kids. That was the beginning of the end for me. When I found this forum, it was like a breath of fresh air for me. even tho my sis wont talk to me, i will never go back. we are truly free here!

    Congrats to you for standing up to them!! you have truly dodged the proverbial bullet by not getting involved in this horrible, horrible cult!

  • Layla33

    Perhaps after your comments he had a heart attack. Or maybe he had developed a rare condition causing him to uncontrollably crap his pants when confronted with a statement not addressed in Reasoning from theScriptures.

    B the X

    That was completely hilarious. JWs are not to ask questions regarding the Watchtower or the Governoring Body, if a study is already asking the hard questions, they would not make a good witness. You must have complete obedience to Governering Body and "Faithful Discreet Slave", which means literally checking your brain and free will at the door.

  • kurtbethel

    I have kept a study going for almost two years, and I think it is because I learned how to be a study. You can not outright tell them that the doctrine spewed out of the WT orifice is crap. That shows your hand. What you do is to ask questions. You ask things like "If J-god had an orgination for over 1900 years, who were they? Who taught Russel? What were their names and if I were looking for the organization in 1800 or so, where would I go?"

    You could ask about "If Jesus showed up invisibly and was throwing an inspection to see what religion was true in 1918, wouldn't god's true channel know what was going on? If they did, why is it that 10 years later they wrote that Jesus showed up all invisible like in 1874? Does Jesus travel back and forth so he has 4 or 5 comings?"

    The point is, you don't tell him you know it is hokum, you ask him things so he has to prove it is not, which he cannot. Just keep it as sincere as you can, reminding him you love god's word and want to know what it tells you so you know what is right for you to do.

    If you get a sense of the canned doctrines, ask questions about things that the reasonung and insight books do not answer. Get your JW in a position where he has to think. Do it often and he will start getting used to thinking. Where he goes with it is on him, you did your part.

  • Preston

    Like a potential second date not returning your phone calls....

    This is JW universal sign language for....

    I'm just not that into you.

    - Preston


    Welcome to the forum, navytownroger!

    No worries . . . You won't be shunned by the jws because you were never baptised. Try saying those things on the other side of baptism and see how quick they show you the door.

    I'm a shunned one, too. I was disfellowshipped after being born and raised my whole life as a brainwashed one.

    Somehow I managed to get out alive --- and I am freeeeeee!



  • parakeet

    navytownroger, the most frightening thing you can say to a Witness is, "I have a brain, and I'm not afraid to use it."

    They run like scared rabbits if you're not yet a dub, and they kick you out if you already are a dub.

  • *summer*

    "Has anyone else had a similar experience or heard of a similar occurance?"

    Yes. The exact same thing happened to me.

  • moshe
    Get your JW in a position where he has to think. Do it often and he will start getting used to thinking. Where he goes with it is on him, you did your part.

    getting a JW to think will have them end up like Vinny, so in a practical sense that is worse for them than staying in WT la-la land. Not many JW's are brave enough to be an independant thinker and suffer the consequences. Vinny, I too diasagreed with the blood policy by refusing to get my no-blood card signed in 1986. The elders knew it because I told them why I never got it signed. My wife ratted me out to them. I guess she had already started contemplating divorce at that point.

  • Quentin

    Hello Navytownroger...you have come to one of the best places on the net to ask questions and actualy get straight answers...here you may not agree with everything another says, however, you will not be kicked to the curb for using your head for something other than a hat rack...

    You will have the freedom to express yourself, give your views and actualy engage in an exchange of ideas that don't come from a book...enjoy yourself, glad you could make it...

    edit to add:....Sadly the only thing your jw teacher will miss about you is the one, or two hours a week he spent with the study. He can no longer "count that time" for his field service record....

  • BabaYaga

    Interesting. One would think they could at least be polite enough to tell you they weren't coming back.

    And Vinny... incredible post. Thank you.

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