Dropped from my Bible Study like a hot potato

by navytownroger 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Quandry

    I had a Bible Study with a Jehovah's Witness for the past year and a half.

    Oh, yes....after a year and a half, you should have fallen right in line. How embarrasing for this witness that you still balked after all that time he invested in you.

    I daresay you are viewed as an apostate, since by now you "should know it's the truth and are rejecting it."

  • LayingLow

    I remember the CO and his wife being the axe men....

    They would come on studies or calls and tell us if they thought we should drop the call/study, or at least they would strongly hint at it. Questions like "Do you see [insert name here] becoming a witness?". If you said no then they would encourage you to drop them and find others.

    I was a pioneer at the time. I think that they encourage the pioneers to do that more to be effective proselytizers. They do not seem as worried about efficiency with publishers (in my experience).

    Was the guy who was studying with you a pioneer?

  • yknot

    Welcome to the forum....

    Sadly you appear not to be rightly dispositioned to the circular thinking that is required to be a JW.

    You should celebrate!

  • changeling


    You must have been lurking on here for some time to come up with some of the things you told your conductor...

    Good for you for seeing the WT for what it is.

    changeling :)

  • outofthebox

    LOL. You are so naughty. LOL. Awesome answers. I am still an elder and I don't believe half the things. So, I can understand you. I just go because my family is held prisoner.

  • Balsam

    Some goats are so sheep like looking that one can never know. Actually us goats are far smarter than the blinded sheep. In ancient times goats were used to lead the sheep. Goat were not considered something negative until the NT writers used them as being stubborn rather than smarter. This particular goat is hard to tell from a sheep. That is me in a nut shell and many of us here. LOL Being a goat is definately better than being a sheep led to the slaughter. LOL


  • Vachi 8 He Is
    Vachi 8 He Is

    Honestly, you want a study? I got ya study right here: Any question that they ask, provide a canned answer for it. Why should god be served? Duh... Because he created us? Who should rule over earth? Duh...jesus because he gave his life for us and he's all good. Why has god permitted wickedness? Duh... because a question was asked when Adum and Ugh sinned. Why should we refrain from blah blah blah? Duh because we wanna show our love for BlahHoblah There, you just had a study. Now where's my time sheet?

  • Vinny

    Don't feel too bad Navytownroger.

    I was a loyal, active, zealous JW FOR OVER 15 YEARS.

    I had many JW friends from many different places all around the world.

    I was also an elder, the theocratic ministry school conductor, book study conductor, conducted WT study many times, gave talks in dozens of different congos, had assembly parts, a pioneer daughter, out in service twice a week and much more.

    But once I disagreed with just ONE CURRENT JW TEACHING, I was not only dropped like a hot potato, but also got labeled as wicked man, evil apostate, selfish, prideful, running ahead of mother, practicing secret sins, taken over by satan, weak, bitter, must be harboring grudges and more.

    But it still does not end for me.

    I am also SHUNNED by every JW that I have ever known around the world including my stepson that I raised since he was six years old. Can't see his two year old son (our grandson) either. Not even a phone call.

    I wish I was done... but there is more...

    I also lost my JW business partner, all JW employees, lucrative JW business contracts and more.

    !5 years of friendships and relationships all turned off like a light switch in the blink of an eye.

    What terrible thing did Vinny do, you ask for such consequences to be heaped upon him?

    Vinny simply said he no longer agreed with the "JW blood and fractions policy", and gave very specific, scriptural, scientific reasons for doing so.

    I never took any blood at all.

    I never said other JW's should take blood at all.

    I simply DISAGREED with the current JW policy as it is today. You can see exact reasons by clicking on my bio page.

    All that eldership, public talks, shepherding calls, assembly parts, field service, bible studies, meetings, kingdom hall cleanings, raising kids etc etc ending up meaning exactly JACK SQUAT once I disagreed with just one thing.

    But that's the way it works in WT world.

    You gotta agree with the "Boys from Brooklyn" on every thing they say.

    They are God's channel, so they tell us.

    Even though they got vaccinations and organ transplants wrong. Even though they got alternative service wrong, Beth Sarim wrong, rape rules, marital infidelity rules wrong. False predictions throughout their entire existence and more doctrinal and historical holes THAN SWISS CHEESE.

    Yep, because they say God is using them, if you disaghree with one thing you get the shaft from all of them for the rest of your life.

    So then being dropped like a hot potatoe then sounds like a pretty easy deal to me.

    A tip of the hat to you for thinking for yourself and telling them like it is.

    Examine examine examine, is all you can do. The rest will take care of itself, as it already has.

    All the best,


  • DaCheech
    Being a goat is definately better than being a sheep led to the slaughter.

    I always said this to myself. Why is it good that you trust someone enough that you will follow them to death

  • Quirky1

    Welcome to the board!


    You are better off without them.

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