Breaking News - Ramblings of the Governing Body

by Edward Elder 65 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mistorie

    "Those Witnesses sure are persistent, but very well dressed."......yeah, high class female escorts are dressed well too and persistent about getting their money. Does that mean angels are making notes about them too? Or do they, along with keeping detailed and graphic notes, also make hand drawn illustrations to pass on to the great jehoober? Maybe THAT'S why he spends so much time in the bathroom with the door locked. Every time a jehoober whacks off, an angels gets it's wings. Is that all it takes??

  • Edward Elder
    Edward Elder

    Well, well - how shocking to hear such cynical and apostate comments to letcher Lett's soliliquy

    As just an innocent newbie and still serving elder I'm feeling discouraged.

    In lieu of a shepherding call, what you need is another gem - this time from a recent visit of the DO to our cong. - he's a career ex-bethelite who the local BOE (well 3 of us) call bro. 'shit 4 brains' - have a laugh at this one.

    On the scale of 1 to 7 - how do you score on the spiritual dashboard?


    "Most of us have seen a red light come on our automobile's dashboard. Maybe for oil pressure, engine temperature, brake system, low fuel, etc. We can avoid much trouble by giving the needed attention to these warning light signals; as soon as possible!

    There is a Spiritual Dash Board Warning Lights System that each of us need to check on regularly. What are these Warning Indicators.

    1. Increasing Problems In Family ---- Due To Lack Of Applying Bible Principles.

    2. Lack Of Zeal And Joy In Ministry.

    3. Lack Of Self-Control.

    4. Loss Of Enthusiasm For The Truth.

    5. Neglecting of Associating At Meetings.

    6. Overly Critical Of Elders And Organization.

    7. Harboring Serious And Continued Doubts.

    Have you checked your dashboard lately?"

  • AllTimeJeff

    The GB's illustrations make me ill.I can see Lett's animated face moving in 1000 different directions saying this crap.

    The GB usually feel they have free reign to mention doctrinal points they bring up from time to time in their meetings but as of yet haven't gotten the magical 2/3rds support to make it inspired of Jehovah. It has happened since Freddy Franz, and will continue as long as their BS arrangement sticks around.

  • BreakingAway

    I think my Check Engine light just came on.

  • worf

    These comments by Lett are some of the silliest things I ever heard!

    Even while in the borg I didn't believe such crap.


  • SirNose586
    Ugh, not the train story. That is so fundamentally flawed. Whatever happened to the plan for SAFETY!

    Yup, what a crock of a story. I sincerely hope no one was tricked into more servitude by this poorly written drivel.

    So God = bridge operator and Jesus = 4 year old boy who was too clueless to get out of the way? Not a very good witness for Christianity, I'm afraid...

  • yknot

    Here is my version......

    1. Increasing Problems In Family ---- Due To Applying WTS Principles.

    (no college, money problems, excessive stress, increased alcohol consumption, lacking self esteem, suffering from depression from handing your pair over to the WTS, wife hates you because of your WTS encouraged totalitarian headship, kids hate you for forcing FS and refusing to let them join the schools volleyball team...etc)

    2. Lack Of Zeal And Joy In Ministry because every door answered asks about pedophiles, UN, letting your kids die, and higher education.

    3. Lack Of Self-Control from spending most of the meetings outside or in the bathroom & jumping on JWD after every meeting for some sanity.

    4. Loss Of Enthusiasm For The Truth "troof" because you know and they know it is make believe.

    5. Neglecting of Associating At Meetings only for the reaching-out Elders to show up unannounced to pave the way to your JC.

    6. Overly Critical Of Elders And Organization because too many are company men to a publishing firm that is dwindling & fearmongering.

    7. Harboring Serious And Continued Doubts because they have become evidentiary facts.

    8. Your internal BS detector no longer is turned off my the WTS trigger words

    It is not the dashboard......just the turn signal reminding you it is time to EXIT.

  • StAnn
    NO ONE can PROVE this bull oney. They really believe their own made up sh*t.

    Minimus, I think you just summed up everything taught by the WTS.


  • Seeker4

    Thanks Edward Elder! I just checked and, golly, I've got five dash lights flashing like crazy! Holy cow! Looks like I better speed dial the elders!



  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I think that train story was as badly made-up as this:

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