Wife Update...

by XJW4EVR 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8
  • carla

    My thoughts are with you both. I applaud her courage, thank her for doing this. How hellish to have to relive it once on the stand much less twice! She is doing a service to all in society and hopefully he will be put away for a long time and no others will suffer at his hands.


    Another update:

    I was under the mistaken impression that the hearing that I spoke of was the trail. Sadly, it was just another delay in the process. Since this fool is facing serious time, him and his scumbag defense attorney are pulling out everything they can to delay this. Sadly, the constant delays are beginning to affect my wife's physical, emotional and mental health. She has gone back into counseling (at my request, for I believe that the physical issues she is suffering are the result of the mental strain she is under). Please pray for her as she goes through this.

    However, there is some good news. The DA has asked her if she wants to continue to trial or offer this scumbag 40 years. He must serve 85% of the term before he would be eligible for parole. My wife has consented to this, and we are waiting for the scumbag defense attorney to talk to the scumbag and get a decision from it. I doubt that the scumbag will go for it, so I think that the case will go to trial.

    Please keep my wife in your thoughts and prayers as she is just going through a lot of stress over this unending (seemingly) ordeal.

  • yknot

    I pray she keeps her strength and resolve......... she is saving countless women from be vicitimized.

    We are all so very proud of her.

    Prayers, good vibes and blessings of peace and comfort


    OK...after over a year of dread the day is finally coming. On Monday the trial of the dirt bag that attempted to rape my wife is going on trial. Please keep us in your prayer and thoughts.

  • restrangled

    XJW....does your wife have to testify again? It seems outrageous this kind of crap can be dragged out this long.

    Sending strength and healing to you both !



    Yes, she has to testify again. The reason that this has gone on so long is that the defendant claimed insanity. So there had to be a number of psychological tests done to determine his state of mind. However, in speaking with the D.A. 12 months from crime to trial is pretty common, expecially in crimes which have long prison time.

  • Hope4Others

    I hope he gets what he deserves and then some in prison....


  • restrangled

    Xjw...May that pig Rot in his jail cell for life....May your wife and you reside in peace for the rest of your life....you are in my thoughts and prayers....


  • mrsjones5

    Sending good thoughts for Monday.


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