What a deal!

by frozen one 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • funkyderek


    This is a White woman who happens to be of Native American ancestry with a bi-racial (African-American) child who certainly needs a hand-up.

    She's given a discount because Native and African Americans were screwed over by the American Government. This may have been some years ago, but a screwing is a screwing - no matter when it happened.

    But you just said she is white (or "White" if you prefer)! Shouldn't she be punished rather than rewarded for what the majority of her ancestors supposedly did to a minority of her ancestors?

    Hasn't the British Government done something similar for the Irish?

    No. They eventually gave us most of our country back but that's hardly the same thing.

  • sweetstuff

    Isn't that the very definition of racism? Rewarding or punishing someone because of their (probable) ancestry. There has to be a statute of limitations on past atrocities or institutionalised racism will simply be perpetuated.

    Question is, who sets that statute? You, me or government? Kind of reminds me of the WTS to be frank, sure we were wrong in the past but you are the wrong if you dwell on that or cry justice, accountability! IMHO, the extent of past atrocities has certainly by no means been rectified to the level of equality we currently see today. If so, why was Fema so bloody slow in responding to the crisis caused by hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, they were sure a hell of alot quicker in Midtown Manhattan on 9/11. Do you stop to ask yourself why? Your right, that at some point the past needs to be layed to rest, but its delusional to think that many people are not still suffering from that past, currently! It not like we are talking thousands of years here Derek. In the long term of humanity's existance, those atrocities are extremely recent and still have effect on the minds and opportunities of people currently. And therefore, yes I do think that there is still room for rectification. Until everyone is treated completely equal and has the same opportunities at birth, we are just burying our heads in the proverbal sand to say, get over it already and suck it up.

    That's no more unreachable than what you proposed regarding people keeping their money instead of being forced to part with it by government, is it?

  • BurnTheShips
    She's given a discount because Native and African Americans were screwed over by the American Government.

    Who funds the American Government?

    In part, I do. When all that slavery bullshit was going on here in the US, my ancestors were an ocean away farming potatoes or catching cod. They had nothing to do with it. I had nothing to do with it either.

    This ain't got nothing to do with me, you pay for it.


  • snowbird

    Who funds the American Government?

    Taxpayers of every stripe and color.

    Who endured 200+ years of forced inhuman servitude?

    Who built the roads, canals, bridges, railroads, etc.?

    This ain't got nothing to do with me, you pay for it.


    I AM paying just as you and everybody are doing. That's the way it should be. You know, community responsibility, your brother's keeper ...


  • snowbird

    No. They eventually gave us most of our country back but that's hardly the same thing.

    I don't see that much of a difference.

    We were promised 40 acres and a mule, but were they delivered?


  • BurnTheShips

    The ancestors of all of us have been slaves. I know it was more recent for Afros but get over it already, you guys got the world as an oyster here in the USA. Look outside the borders and see how most of the rest of the world is living with the exception of Europe and a few other places, not so good. You can do anything here I can do. And many Afros do. More need to get up and take what is theirs instead of feeling like victims. And like Obama pointed out yesterday, fathers need to be fathers to their offspring.

    America already paid a really high price.


  • DJK

    Back to the original thread.

    That is a good deal. Is the house next door for sale? I could sell mine and move there, with the profit from my house I wouldn't have any mortgage.

  • UnConfused

    Funded by a mix of public/private dollars.


    I'm happy for her, but would like to think that....

    never mind.

  • snowbird

    America already paid a really high price.


    That war was more about ideological differences between the North and South than slavery.

    My people were just caught in the crossfire.

    Please don't lecture me about "getting over it already," Burn. Most of us have ostensibly done that. You show me any other group that has come so far with so little, and I'll show you a Hispanic on the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses!


  • SixofNine

    Oh noes, a poor, historically disadvantaged person got something that I didn't get!! Only rich people should have advantage and, god forbid, leverage (I know because they told me so).

    Or, conversely: Oh noes! a program designed to help certain disadvantaged groups was accessed by someone who is just on the fringe of those groups!! Shut down the program. Right.Fu*&^ng.Now!!!

    I'll tell you what the government should fund, hysterectomies. Some of you males need one.

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