Are Witnesses Sexually Normal?

by minimus 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    After boinking a JW just last year for the sheer hell of it and that it seemed like a good way to be vindictive of the brother's so called pure reputations (I just had to ruin it!), I've come to the conclusion that JW's make the worst sex partners. They are so repressed and so twisted in their expectations for each partner. Oh, and I came to that conclusion after only one encounter so it's not exactly scientific.


    (I'm no whore, either. I think two times in thirteen years is deprivation.)

  • mrsjones5

    (I'm no whore, either. I think two times in thirteen years is deprivation.)

    No, you ain't no ho.

  • Velvetann

    White Dove what an experience and experiment I LOVE IT. LOL but I am sure you were disappointed with the "brother". I never understand how as a JW they can "fornicate" or be a pedophile etc and feel they are in good standing with Jehovah. In my opinion they haven't got it in their heart, they are just going along for the ride..

    Dinah I am Normal for sure LOL but I could tell you some stories .............

    Casper thanks for the comments you sound so open minded and sweet.


  • oneairhead

    I think witnesses are at a severe disadvantage. Getting married without trying each other out is like playing the lottery. Perhaps you are compatible but maybe and most likely not. Next thing you know the husband or wife is looking at pron and masturbating or stepping out on their mate. They are screwed up in this area as well.

    I believe that once you have committed to each other God views it as ok.


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Without going into any detail whatsoever that could get this thread thrown out (like it did mine:( I will say that if you are thinking of trying out a JW for whatever reason and you are a female, DON'T! It's not worth it! It bordered on rape. It was awful! Men in that religion are taught to view women as property and do IT like they would a sex toy. So, DON'T! Enough said about this. I learned my lesson!

  • FlyingHighNow

    I think born ins are probably much more messed up. My second husband was a born in. All I can do is shake my head when I think of how messed up he was.

  • hillbilly

    I am... always have been. Both the JW women I was married to were not. One was a repressed lesbian... the other was fresh out of the world .. and in 5 short years the WT had her about fridgid.


  • mrsjones5

    I was told by a df'd boyfriend that I could never be a jw because I liked sex too much...he never went back either

  • FlyingHighNow

    Watchtower sure didn't make me frigid. My witness second husband? Yes, very. Yuck.

  • Layla33

    Over repression of natural inclinations is never good. Our sexuality is apart of our nature, repressing it can lead to a lot of sexually issues. Doesn't mean every witness has these issues, but I would say a good deal probably do.

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