Do you feel smarter than the dubs still inside?

by Samuel Thorsen 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • jaguarbass

    People are quirky, they specialize in certain areas of knowledge.

    You might be smarter regarding the JW's not having the troof.

    But in other areas you have to take it point by point.

    And what is smart being able to win on Jeopardy?

    Or making more money than everyone else.?

    Or working easier than everyone?

    I remember when I was in the tower, I prayed to God to show me the truth.

    I cannot access how much he showed me, but he or life showed me that the Wactower Agency does not have the truth.

    They have fragments of the truth just like everyone else. The Catholics, Baptist, Budahist, etc.

    And they take those truths and try to exploit their parishioners.

  • megawatt

    Yes. :D

  • OnTheWayOut

    I recognize that it is not a lack of intelligence that keeps them in.
    Heck, I know a cardiologist who is a dub. What I feel is enlightenment
    now that I know the problem had a lot to do with a mind control cult
    and it wasn't just me. At the same time, I feel pity for the ones who
    haven't managed to get the blinders/shackles off.

    The combination does make a person feel smarter than the dubs inside,
    though. It's because you know you are using your own thinking and they
    are still being told how to think.

  • undercover

    Short answer, "No".

    There are lots of intelligent people who are JWs. JWs are no different than any other religion when it comes to the amount of intelligence its members have.

    What if you phrased the question as, "Do you feel smarter than Mormons?" or "Do you feel smarter than Catholics?" both groups whose religious beliefs are based on just as silly a premise as JW beliefs.

    I think sometimes we're too quick to include the group of believers as the problem, when the real problem is the leadership. The fact that the JWs are not the true religion allows for bad people to infiltrate and do bad things (i.e. child abuse) but the main body of membership are the victims in this tragic story of religious intolerence run amuck.

  • WTWizard

    In fact, it is more integrated thinking. Smart people that are poorly integrated in their thinking will let others do the thinking for them, and they tend to stay in. Less smart people that are more integrated in thinking are not going to let others do it for them, they will do the work, and ultimately end up leaving.

    Notably, smarter people are more likely to eventually see that the whole thing is a scam and leave it.

  • Gayle

    Yes, but believe me, but that still doesn't mean much!

  • momzcrazy

    Since leaving I have realized that what I don't know is alot more than what I used to think I knew. It is freeing to not have to have the clever comeback for every conversation stopper. I can say I don't know and not feel stupid like I used to.


  • logic&reason

    Socrates refuted the title when the Oracle of Delphi declared him to be the wisest man alive.

    He said that he was only wise because he was willing to admit how little he really knew.

    JW's think they have all of the answers because the "FDS" has provided them in a neat little package.

    I am only smarter in that I can look beyond the WT's veil of ignorance, and continue my own quest for answers.

  • Samuel Thorsen
    Samuel Thorsen

    JW's think they have all of the answers because the "FDS" has provided them in a neat little package.


    Maybe the biggest JW-failure. Theire not willing to admit how little they're really know.

  • Gregor

    Mixed feelings on that one. I am definitely "smarter" than some. For some JWs I feel they are just trapped and don't have the strength to get out. Kind of like I look at some people hooked on cigarettes. They know it's bad but they can't quit.

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