Top 10 strange reasons WT is right

by knock knock 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Galileo
    The WT is right because...
    It has been continuously in print since 1879 ... AND ... Every magazine is exactly 32 pages.

    This is so surreal, it reminds me of something they would've said at the tea party in Alice in Wonderland. Next time you hear this kind on nonsensical argument, you could reply with the equally nonsensical "Why is a raven like a writing desk?" (the riddle from Alice in Wonderland which has no answer).

    As a former worker in the press room at the Farm, this type of publication has to have a multiple of eight because the size of presses that are available and the size of the magazine. In other words, if they wanted to make the magazine longer they would have to make it 40 pages long (two sides of four panels.) If they wanted to make it shorter it would have to be 24 pages. They just happened to choose 32 over other options.

    This is exactly correct. It's the same reason almost all of their books have 192 pages.

    I think the strangest rationale I ever heard wasn't specifically about the JW's but about the bible itself, although it was spoken by a CO that was trying to answer my doubts: The bible is true because we can actually go to the places it mentions, Jerusalem, Egypt, etc., and they are really there. I answered that I can go to Tokyo too, that doesn't mean I believe Godzilla is a documentary.

  • GetOverIt

    "Because they're the only ones who can trace their lineage right back to the first true Christians."

    No, that would be the Chruch of Christ... (per my COFC friend)

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    While gestering towards a packed district convention,

    "How can so many people be wrong?"

  • parakeet

    UnConfused wrote: "Hey the twit made a point here!"

  • Lo-ru-hamah

    They use Jehovahs name. (My brother in law just swears by that.)


  • VM44
    Scientific American is a popular-sciencemagazine, published (first weekly and later monthly) since August 28, 1845, making it one of the oldest continuously published magazine in the United States.

    Watchtower 1879, Scientific American 1845....Which has to be more right than the other?

  • knock knock
    knock knock

    When I heard about the 32 pages proof I just let it go. I don't think that it was the exact number of pages that counted but that they were so consistent about it and that the necessary info ALWAYS fit into the same format. Always 32 pages. Now, somehow I doubt that that is even true - always the skeptic - even with the printing process setup. Surely that has changed over the years.

    But here's the thing, she did not sit there and count pages to check to see that they are always the same. She got this from someone else. Had to have. Maybe an email going around or just some elder that is "in the know about such things". It just strikes me as very odd even for them but perhaps I give 'em too much credit at times.

    As to Godzilla the documentary, I love that retort.

  • NeonMadman

    The WT is right because they are God's organization. And we know they are God's organization because they told us they were. And we know that they told the truth because they are God's organization.

  • Dogpatch

    32 pages is one of many standard size signatures. Once you determine the size of the publication you are printing, then you choose a press/plate size to print the sigs 1-up, 2-up, 4-up or whatever.

    On the WoodHoe press we printed 4 complete 192-page TRUTH books with every revolution. No secrets except that God's waist size is also 32.


  • DubNoMo

    Actually there is much more to the number 32 than just the total of pages in a magazine. It also figures mightily in Bible prophecy as the following chronology (from the pen of Big Freddy himself) will show: 1879 - Watchtower founded Add 32 years... 1911 - The Egyptian winged disc symbol (the Uatchti) first appeared in Watchtower literature Add 32 years... 1943 - Nathan H. Knorr, while president of the WTS, stated under oath in a court of law that "The Watch Tower is set forth directly as God's Word." Add 32 years... 1975 - The world ended And there you have it...

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