Top 10 strange reasons WT is right

by knock knock 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    How do you respond to someone so thoroughly delusional.

    That was my reaction too lol! All I was trying to explain to her was how unity doesn't mean uniformity and that was the response I got! I think she missed the whole point - possibly intentionally, who knows?

  • chickpea
    all the WT magazines are 32 pages

    the magazines for the M16 military assault rifles hold exactly 30 rounds of ammo

    We are uniform - we all have the same dress code.

    hmmm... why does this not seem true?..... look in the year books at the bros in native tropical dress...... no ties no jackets

    if uniformity in dress is a sign of truthiness, then every military/para-military organization in the world must have dibs too

    it is sad that these statements are not recognized by those who make them as the pathetic grasping at straws they actually are Details

  • Blueblades

    32 pages! However the most important part of the 32 pages use to be the study articles which went from about 40 paragraph in the seventies to about 20 paragraph today. Does that count?


  • SPAZnik

    32 pages ..... pffffffffthahahahahah.

  • parakeet

    Maybe they keep the WT at exactly 32 pages because they get a better deal from paper and ink vendors that way. Wonder what bits of vital "truth" are being left out if each issue is limited to 32 pages?

    Or maybe ....... 32 is the "sacred number."

  • searchingforfriends

    I see..... so instead of printing two 32 page watchtowers per month, they now do one 32 page watchtower. Does anyone know if the "study edition" is also 32 pages?

  • 83501nwahs

    As a former worker in the press room at the Farm, this type of publication has to have a multiple of eight because the size of presses that are available and the size of the magazine. In other words, if they wanted to make the magazine longer they would have to make it 40 pages long (two sides of four panels.) If they wanted to make it shorter it would have to be 24 pages. They just happened to choose 32 over other options.

  • Quandry

    #4. Because every year the number of annointed goes down. Uh, oh, guess not anymore, but heard that one for years.....maybe you could ask mom about it......

  • belbab

    I see the poster above with the funny name, beat me to it and posted while I was typing my post. Anyway here it is:

    The Watchtower has 32 pages for the same reason that the diameter of NASA’s solid booster rockets are based on the measurement, four feet eight and a half inches. (4 ft 8.5 inches.)

    This measurement is based on the width of two horses asses from the Roman Empire times.

    Check it out here if you do not believe me:

    Now the number of pages in the Watchtower magazine is based on how the magazine is made. It is made from sheets of paper, 14 inches by 9 inches. Each of these sheets are printed on both sides, and they are folded in half in the magazine. That means each piece of paper makes four printed pages of the Watchtower. The total number of pages in the WT must always be a multiple of four. It cannot be an odd number nor a number not divisable by four.

    Now the fact it is 32 pages probably depends on the way printing presses print them.

    Perhaps Randy Waters could give us more info on how the printing press works and has some idea why the choice is 32 pages, not 24 or 40.


  • UnConfused

    ::I've heard of braindead, but this takes the cake. Using the very same logic we could prove the Bible is not the truth:
    ::The Bible did NOT start to get in print in 1879. The Bible is NOT exactly 32 pages. Therefore the Bible is false.

    Hey the twit made a point here!

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