Sisters with Kleenex on their head

by LearningMore 54 Replies latest jw experiences

  • LearningMore

    So, I keep hearing reference to this. Was this just taking place in REALLY small congregations? I mean, I know the philosophy behind it; my mom would put a hat on to pray in front on my "unbelieving" dad. But, I don't really ever remember seeing in this in the congregation. Perhaps my halls always had enough "qualified" brothers. When did you all see this? Just curious...

    Also, I keep hearing the society referred to as "Mother." I actually don't ever remember this, and I was a "born in." Perhaps it was regional?

    Since coming onto this board, these two things have been curious to me. Thanks!

  • babygirl75

    I never saw Kleenex on their heads, but did see them use a hat, scarf, or even a lace doillie. I always thought that practice was degrading and uncalled for.

  • crazyblondeb

    I have actually witnessed them using a clean disposable diaper!!

    I can still remember it!!

  • journey-on

    Hello, Learning More,

    The Witnesses use a scripture to support their belief that a woman should cover her head when she is

    taking the place a man would normally take. It's in 1 Cor. chapter 11. Practically the whole chapter is

    about this, but specifically verse 5 says "but every woman that prays or prophesies with her head

    uncovered shames her head, for it is one and the same as if she were a woman with a shaved head."

    When I was a witness, I found myself a few times having to lead the group in field service and always

    put a "hankie" on my head for this. Yes, it feels silly, but that's the Way of the JWs.

    I think the term "Mother" comes from this JWD board mostly. It refers to the "Mother ship". We refer

    to the whole organization as The Borg like in Star Trek where these beings were all robotic-acting and operated

    with a hive mentality. The "Mother ship ("mother", for short) refers to headquarters of the WTS where all the

    directives come down to the various hives Kingdom Halls.

  • Thechickennest

    Kleenex, napkins, whatever...I have seen it too.

  • LearningMore

    Thanks. I think I am able to conjure up a brief recollection of a sister with something covering their head at a meeting for field service, but that is about it.

    I thought a lot of the actions of JWs were degrading to women. Elderettes had to take a back seat, although many of them were so well read and understood the bible very well. Not to mention, they were sometimes much more approachable and compassionate! I also REALLY didn't like the idea of having to be in subjection to a husband. That probably has something to do with me waiting until now to even consider getting married! (I'm in my 30s, by the way.) I was at a wedding of a young "sister" I knew about 2 years ago. The "brother" giving the wedding actually said something like, "If SHE is out shopping all day, and you (THE MAN) come home from a hard day at work...." So stereotypical. I think even the bride rolled her eyes.

  • lisavegas420

    I remember the Kleenex on the head. It was when a sister had to preside over the field service meeting.

    When the sisters were coming to study with me () I tried to get my husband to sit in on a study so see if they'd cover their heads. He didn't want to play along.


  • Nosferatu

    Maybe "mother" should cover her nice Watchtower buildings with snot rags.

  • joebin

    It's one of the rules which make me wonder if Paul's writings weren't just that, Paul's writings.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Didn't Rutherford have something to do with calling the WTS "mother?" I think that term is in their history.

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