Sisters with Kleenex on their head

by LearningMore 54 Replies latest jw experiences

  • OnTheWayOut
    Also, I keep hearing the society referred to as "Mother." I actually don't ever remember this, and I was a "born in." Perhaps it was regional?
    I think the term "Mother" comes from this JWD board mostly. It refers to the "Mother ship".

    No No No. "Mother" is from active JW's and not from JWD or any former members of the Borg.
    "Mother" is the term the elders (and others) use to refer to the organization when they need or
    receive instructions. "Mother says..."

    It stems mostly from the organization being Jehovah's WIFELY organization. If He is Father,
    then she is Mother. It puts the organization into an "almost" Godly position. But they started
    this. I can recall being at many elders meetings where "Mother says..." was used.

  • changeling

    Thanks for the mental flashback of my mom conducting a meeting for field service with Kleenex on her head. Good times! LOL

    changeling :)

  • journey-on

    OTWO....Thanks for correcting me. I have to say in all my years I, too, never heard any JW call the org. "Mother"....ever!

    When I use the term on this board, I'm speaking with the context I described above (as in "the Mother Ship"). I learn something

    new everyday.

  • logic&reason

    I can remember a hall I went to in Virginia where they kept a plastic hat in the second school for the sisters who had to pray for field service during the week. It was the kind of hat you would get with a kids meal at burger king, or maybe at a party store. It looked ridiculous.

    It must have been terribly humiliating for whoever had to wear it.

    Kind of funny too.

  • Annointeds Daughter
    Annointeds Daughter

    I've seen the Kleenex and even done that! Journey-on 's explanation of where this embarassing practice comes from is right:

    It's in 1 Cor. chapter 11. Practically the whole chapter is about this, but specifically verse 5 says "but every woman that prays or prophesies with her head uncovered shames her head, for it is one and the same as if she were a woman with a shaved head."

    About the organization being called Mother: Just this last Sunday the elder giving the Public Lecture mentioned the phrase. He said we needed to be loyal to Jehovah, our Father and to our Mother, the Organization. I believe this comes from the passage in the book of Revelation Chapter 12 which talks about a pregnant woman who gave birth to a male child. JW's believe this woman to be the Organization. Revelation Chapter 19 then mentions the wedding of the Lamb, and the Bride is again believed to be the Organization.

    I almost have a seizure everytime I hear this phrase at the Kingdom Hall or Conventions. Sometimes they even refer to the Organization as "Our Holy Organization". I bet they don't know the history!

  • Quandary

    When I was a kid 9 or 10 years old, I went out in the service after school with my friend, his older brother, sister and mom. Before we started wallking around the block, his mom took the FLOOR MAT from the passenger side and put it on her head to pray! I kid you not.

    She claimed to be of the "annointed". I heard recently that her husband (non JW) left her, all three kids are out and she is in a mental hospital. Thinking back, she really was an odd duck!

    Thanks for the trip down memory lane!


  • Quandary

    A D- The scripture they base the "mother" nonsense is in Galations 4:26 "...the Jerusalme above is free, and she is our mother." Jerusalem above they interpret as Jah's Heavenly Organization, which inlcudes the annointed who have been resurrected after 1918 and who play a part in the dispensing of "present" truth today via the FDS, "channel"!

    Utter and complete NONSENSE!


  • sir82

    No No No. "Mother" is from active JW's and not from JWD or any former members of the Borg.
    "Mother" is the term the elders (and others) use to refer to the organization when they need or
    receive instructions. "Mother says..."

    Yep, absolutely true. I've even heard DOs use the term.

    It relates back to Galations 4:26 which says "Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother". JWs interpret "Jerusalem above" as "Jehovah's organization".

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    I remember being at my aunt's house when I was a kid. We were getting ready to eat lunch & my aunt was going to say the prayer. She put a paper towel on her head. I recall thinking how stupid & degrading it was even at that young age.

  • babygirl75
    his mom took the FLOOR MAT from the passenger side and put it on her head to pray!

    ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!! sides hurt! Can you see the people driving by?? WTF!!!!

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