Long list= Brothers who have ripped you off! $$$ has this happened to you?

by Witness 007 49 Replies latest jw experiences

  • tinker

    We have a janitorial business so I could go on and on about rip-off stories. Everything from hiring 'pioneers' with poor work performance to them stealing the soap dispensers. Even backstabbing us by underbidding jobs and taking over.

    And we had a friend in the carpet business. He would sell carpet for Kingdom Halls at his cost, not make a dime. In fact did not cover his own expensise of S+H, and overhead. An elder ordered carpet for his KH and included enough yardage for his own home at that price. When he was confronted he blew it off so our friend went to the CO and he blew it off also. They were of a mind that the brother in business could make it up on another customer. Evidently this was standard practice for lots of building supplies. When a Quick Build is setting up, lots of supplies go missing and unaccounted for.

    We all know this goes on in 'the world' but these guys call themselves better than 'the world'. Just another case of rampant hypocrisy.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    A Window cleaning brother I know under-cuts other brothers on their regular Window cleaning jobs.....since he's a pioneer he says that if "Jehovah wills it" he will get the job so it's justified...I nearly reached over the table to slapped him...but since I was a dinner guest at his house I thought twice... this makes me so damn mad!

  • DaCheech
    On a positive note; did anyone hear about the Brother in Nigeria {I think} who stole Kingdom hall funds to pay for his wife's much needed operation? I felt sorry for him! Apparently, he got the full force of the Watchtower discipline.....don't you DARE steal money from us for a noble cause!

    I heard this, and I felt sorry for him because he actually planned to return the money!

  • Fisherman

    I have also been robbed by individual brothers. Outright robbed property from my house and betrayed by a bother who provided confidential business info to my customers costing me untold thousands if not more.

    Who can you trust?

  • Quandry

    I did accounting work for a brother. He had his receipts in boxes and wanted to get up to date. Many, many days later I began to realize that he had not paid IRS in years. He kept moving around the country. Maybe they hadn't caught up with him. Wonder how that eventually came out........

  • RollerDave

    Drew Kabanuk.

    Slumlord Extraordinaire, false witness under oath, closet birthday celebrator, but moves around a lot so no particular body of elders thinks they can act on him even if they DID believe non-baptized persons over such a fine upstanding pile of puke.

    Oh, ditto for his worthless mother Donna.

    I am well rid of such "christian" association.

    Can ya feel the Love?


  • Fisherman

    Fair to say that these guys eventually got kicked out for other ofenses.

  • 83501nwahs

    I hurt my knee on the job working for a contractor named John from Azusa. His wife accused me of making it up. Turned out he didn't have worker's comp insurance. I couldn't even sue him. He hired only illegal aliens, other than me.

  • wifekeepsmeinit

    okay ......no get ready for this.....are you sitting down......good

    well........i went to an elders garage sale and got hooked into buying these plants, paid at least 10 bucks for 2 of them. and you guessed it, they died, within a week.

    about a week later, the elders wife says to me "ive got a confession to make"......she never returned my money. Typical.....im assuming they live in a such a large house by ripping people off. You kind of expect a higher standard, especially with fellow JWs. But they are just like you and me, completely fallible, making all kinds of mistakes.

  • okie46

    Yes, about 11 years ago as a single mom of 3 with no child support from my JW Ministerial Servant ex-husband, I sold my car to a witness family that I had known since I was 12 years old, they promised to pay it out in 3 intallments. I sold them the car cheap, it was old, but dependable. The entire family was on disability, not because they were disabled, but because they were lazy dead beats who just didn't want to work. They never paid me a dime for the car and their son went out drinking one night and wrecked the car. I never even gave them the title to it, the deal was they would get the title when they paid it off. I only asked for $750 which was to be paid in 6 payments. They obviously never registered the car in their name or updated the tag.

    Speaking of car deals, the car I bought after I "sold" the above mentioned one, was bought from another witness family. After taking out an installment loan and buying the car, I found out that it had a cracked engine block, which they knew about beforehand and said nothing about. This sucked because it meant that the engine needed replaced immediately. I could not afford the payments and the new engine to fix the car, so had to make payments on a car, I could not even drive. On top of that, the son that sold me the car, had the nerve to ask ME to co-sign on his loan to buy the car that was replacing the lemon he sold me. Thank goodness I said "No".

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