Long list= Brothers who have ripped you off! $$$ has this happened to you?

by Witness 007 49 Replies latest jw experiences

  • chickpea

    we learned out lesson the hard way, too.....

    at one point we did have a larger "portfolio" so we could be generous.....as blondie said, gifting smaller sums we could afford in order to assist people, but the one time we did make an outright loan..... no real attempt was made to repay it and evidently there was nothing unusual about it as the husband was appointed an elder a few years later

    we DID refuse to sink $10 grand in an "ostrich farm" scheme and somehow got cold shouldered because bro. headin-the-sand couldnt get his dream off the ground and we were uncharitable

  • WTWizard

    I have never had that happen, though I have lent petty amounts of money to "brothers" that I knew might have trouble repaying it for hardships beyond their control.

    However, I have seen a "brother" get ripped off for something like $5,000 on a bad business deal. And they had this "brother" reproved for getting ripped off. The "brother" that ripped him off got away without so much as losing any "privileges". And this is supposed to be the truth?

  • bigboi

    I never experienced this sort of thing regularly suring my time as a witness. However for a time I was employed by a brother who installed flooring who ended up getting disfellowshipped for smoking pot. I decided to quit working for them since everything happened so abruptly and I had become sort of close with his family especially his son. That JW reasoning is something isn't it? Anyways, one of the elders from our congo decided to take me on with his business. Businesswise, it wasn't a good experience. The main thing was his not being able to pay me like we agreed because he always had to buy medicine for his wife or something else. I only worked with him for like 2 or 3 months, but I recall that happening pretty often. Honestly, I think that guy still owes me money. I never had any problems with the brother that got disfellowshipped though. I kinda regret leaving the way I did.

  • sacolton

    My JW wife worked for a Brother who ran a small business insurance agency. Everything was good until he decide to partner the business with another JW Brother who did NOTHING but show up to collect a $800 check every two weeks. Then a power trip started and the original owner got the shaft because he signed a contract that gave the partner full control of the company with a "promise" that he would increase productivity and bring in wealthy clients ... never happened. The original owner was kicked out of the company he founded. The partner then slowly liquidated the company. My wife left before they could even fire her. This was completely owned and operated by JWs.

    I think crooks flock to the Kingdom Hall looking for chumps.

  • Amber Rose
    Amber Rose

    I think the problem is that they think they can hold you to a higher standard because you're a "christian". Then they hold themselves to a lower standard because you're a "christian" and christians are supposed to look out for the less fortunate ones. (Especially if the one borrowing is wealthier than the one lending.)

    BTW, there are a lot of scammers out there so some of them are bound to be JWs.

  • Mary

    Here's another one I knew about: A former CO in Southern Ontario here had a business called Trimclad or Trimline, where they did that pin striping on cars. It took off quite well in the late 70s and he started franchising the business out to various brothers, who naturally trusted a Circus Overseer. However, this scum-sucking CO had the contracts worded in such a bizarre way (kinda like the 'no blood' cards), that he reaped about 75% of all the profits and screwed numerous brothers over royally. Many ended up declaring bankruptcy, lost their homes and the shirts off their backs. It was so bad and so far spread that eventually even the Canadian Bethel got involved. They ended up removing D.R. as the Circuit Overseer and the cowardly bastard took off out to Calgary in order to avoid getting the Axe.

    Last I heard, he's an elder again in "good standing".

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    On a positive note; did anyone hear about the Brother in Nigeria {I think} who stole Kingdom hall funds to pay for his wife's much needed operation? I felt sorry for him! Apparently, he got the full force of the Watchtower discipline.....don't you DARE steal money from us for a noble cause!

  • Not Feeling It
    Not Feeling It
    a business called Trimclad or Trimline, where they did that pin striping on cars

    I heard of Trimline around mid-90s near Philly. I knew at least 2 JWs that were into it.

    I had my own shady business story when I got involved with an elder's publishing business. I was just a lowly R&F. Anyway, my biggest mistake was sinking all my faith in him. When things went sour, all his "promised" business went away. I tried recourse with the PO and other elders and got nothing. He was and is a slippery SOB. Eventually I got him to settle what he owed for a few grand. I got a real life lesson out of it. I was very naive. Forget that not suing your brother nonsense. I'd never intentionally work with a JW again. But if I did and the business went south... small claims court would surely ensue.

    I have worked for two other witnesses before without issue. One of them is also no longer with the JWs. He is a good guy.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    Oh wow, I have dozens of stories, but suffice it to say, that even as a true believer, there came a time when my hubby and I swore we would neither hire, not be employed by a JW ever again. We made it a hard and fast rule.

    OK, one story. We had a bro in our hall that was an extremely hard worker. He went from being a penniless missionary to very successfully owning and managing real estate. He would buy absolute dumps, and he would fix them up doing every bit of work himself. Over the years it was rumered that he was quite wealthy even though he and his family lived very modestly. Well he had the great misfortune to sell something to a JW, the JW didn't pay up to the tune of around $20,000.00. The elders got involved and they told brother hard-worker that he needed to forgive the debt because bro flaky could not afford to pay him.

    Bro hard-worker said hell no and took the other brother to court and got a judgement against him. After that the elders in our hall would warn the r&f not to do business with bro hardworker cause he would find a way to squeeze every last dime out of you. Two elders even took time out of their busy schedule to come to our home and warn my husband and I about this man, including telling us all the details about the JC's concerning the matter. (yeah, the elders in our circuit were the worst gossips you can imagine)

    What's really interesting is that years later I heard the story from bro hardworkers familys side. And they told me the same story that the elders did. How those elders felt justified in what they did just amazes me.

  • freeman

    My wife and I took out a $1000.00 cash advance on a credit card to help an elder and his wife out of a temporary jam. They made perhaps 3 minimum payments to our credit card company and they moved with no forwarding address. We were young and stupid! I went into business with a Ministerial Servant friend and we had a written contract that said either party could buy out the other just refunding the other parties initial investment. It specifically stated the amount to be refunded. I exorcised my option and he said we would have to make a number of deductions from the agreed amount in the signed contract we had. I came away with about ¾ of the money that was rightfully due me, but I was glad to be out of the partnership since we obviously had a different set of values and understanding of right and wrong. A little older this time but apparently still a bit stupid Freeman

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