Long list= Brothers who have ripped you off! $$$ has this happened to you?

by Witness 007 49 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Low-Key Lysmith
  • LongHairGal

    I have heard so many horror stories that I would NEVER and I mean NEVER do business with any so-called 'brothers'.

    What this is all about is that they literally feel they have a license to steal.

    You can thank the faulty teachings of the idiot religion for leading them to believe they can do anything and not only get away with it, but expect to be forgiven for it as well. Their idiot ministry of ringing doorbells is a white wash for anything they do along with their 'Adamic death' clean slate belief. Who knows? Maybe they don't even believe in the true God because if they did, how could they do what they do???


  • moomanchu

    How about this scam.

    I know jay dubeeyous who buy things, use them for a while and then return them. Pressure Washer, camera, nice dress ect.

    When questioned,

    "Whaaat I'm not breaking any laws. What's wrong with doing that?"

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Grandson of an annointed and a baptized JW himself stole over 20k from my company back in the late 90's and got prison time. Turns out he was addicted to meth and spent the money on drugs and male prostitutes, he admitted it all.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    oh don't even get me started. I have had so many contractor brothers charge high rates and give me substandard work and then hide behind the congregation. Last time it happened I had some flooring ruined by a painter. I canceled his check and told him to buy me knew flooring and if he didn't like it oh well. Nothing ever became of it.

    I've lent money out a few times only to have it never paid back. The list goes on.

  • ssrriotsquad

    My advise to anyone (friends/family/strangers) when it comes to money deals/transactions:

    Get a job, work hard and save your money then buy it!

    After a while, they'll leave you alone.

  • gaiagirl

    I loaned $3500 to a young couple living near Belton, TX, who promised to repay in 90 days. 90 days came and went, no payment. They filed for bankruptcy to get their OTHER creditors off their backs, and wrote me a letter telling me how they "decided" not to repay me. A loooong time later, I received a check for $1000. Have not heard from them in a very long time, and now that they are divorced, I probably won't. As a group, JW's are the least trustworthy people of any religion I've ever met.

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    There's this woman who used to be in the same congregation and borrowed $700 CDN from my sib who only works part time (being a pioneer). She promised to pay her back a portion monthly. The congregation was split two months later. Its been over 5 years and my sib has so far only gotten back $50. The woman never calls her (used to call and cry and whine all the time) and you can almost see hertrying to avoid the entire family at conventions.

  • ninja

    instead of being called JW's...they should be called J dubious

  • blondie

    I never loaned money to jws. I would give a smaller amount that I could afford as a gift if I was so inclined. I figure if they need that kind of money why won't a financial institution take them on or why a family member like a parent won't "lend" to them. I wouldn't work for a jw either because so many have not paid employment taxes or conducted business legally.

    I would never loan money I could not afford to lose.


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