How did you find JWD?

by sweet pea 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • daniel-p

    Google. After I filtered through all the rabid apostate sites I actually found somewhere where people like me shared their thoughts. Once I realized I wasn't alone, it was all over.

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    I found it at the end of the rainbow.

  • restrangled

    I found this site after hunting for answers about why my mother would suddenly shun me after approximately 30 years out. Some whipper snapper CO told her she needed to do the dirty deed and I was so floored I started hunting on the internet for anyone who had experienced the same. Thats when I found JWD.

    After she is gone I will post her is mind boggling.


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Tricky ol' 'postates.


  • FlyingHighNow

    On the internet, probably linked from other ex jw sites. I first remember seeing this site in 2001, though it may have been 2000. I remember being perplexed by the avatars and the Jedi status. I recall thinking the posters seemed very edgy and jaded.

  • ataloa

    Like daniel-p

    After I filtered through all the rabid apostate sites

    which I did half heartedly a few times through the years, I found a mild site and lurked a while until they mentioned JWD.

    My first impression? Scary, aggressive, but seemed to tolerate a wide range of views. With all the info, I could lurk and research all I wanted. Never intended to post - not sure why that changed.

  • potentialJWconvertswife

    like so many others, googled Jehovah's Witnesses. Hit a couple of other sites, then found this one- looked like good information, which is exactly what I was seeking. Found that and so much more here. Thank you all! -Potential

  • IcingHeart

    The candy told me. Lols.

  • Layla33

    I am not even sure, I think something prompted me to see if the JW religion was online. I had come across some sites that discussed it at length, namely silent lambs and they had links to other sites. I visited a few, but liked this one the best and would just lurk basically. Then, when one of my family members passed I decided to start posting.

  • Bring_the_Light
    She asked me if I was going on to websites "because there's one called that's an apostate website."

    LOL! Its amazing, the internet was very young when I was a teenager (at least meaning it wasn't so ingrained into pop culture). I remember some kind of talk about the evil things apostates do, one of them was to "masquerade" as JW literature. I specifically remember "websites using Jehovah's name" as a trick to catch us.

    Imagine 10 years of heartburn for those poor JW leaders (Hi Guys!). Who cannot stop this and also know they cannot stop or catch any JW kid who wants to check this out. We are the ULTIMATE bad association Bwhahahahaha!

    I think its working. When I went to a couple halls recently, there were NO young people, like none whatsoever other than very small children. In my day Mpls/St.Paul was viewed as the JW party central because there were sooo many kids my age (I was from N. Minnesota, there were HUNDREDS of people roughly my age that we saw only at conventions. Part of the reason I want to go to the District convention this summer is to see how many are still around.

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