Why do we get stumbled out of JW's because of imperfect people?

by reniaa 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • Honesty
    It's one thing that Brother A is a little headstrong.

    It could even be argued that we should forgive pedophile actions of
    Brother B.

    But it is not isolated. I found out it was in the whole
    damn organization.

    That's bad. What's worse is this--you then find out that it
    isn't even the truth, and that they have been hiding things.

    If that isn't enough reason to evacuate then let the building burn down around their deaf ears and blind eyes.

  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open

    Hi reniaa,

    I've also had similar thoughts regarding those who say that others' hypocrisy was the spark of their awakening. But maybe that's because I never really had much reason to be pissed off by those in responsibility myself. Whatever it was that gave someone a clue that the WTS is not what it claims to be, it's good that they're out.

    I've read the bible in many different versions and one thing i find clear is it does predict the time of the end etc it does predict "signs" etc that will happen, on just this alone my search of christian religions that actually teach this gets very narrow most saying we goto heaven and thats it end of.

    Those who seriously want to believe in the bible should be grateful that mainstream Christianity doesn't preach that the end is nigh like JWs do. A relatively short time spent in proper research of Daniel, for example, will soon show you that its predictions, which concerned the Jews under oppression from Greece, ultimately failed. Try "Daniel, with an Introduction to Apocalyptic Literature", John J. Collins.

  • lesterd

    Because you were tripppin when you got into it.

  • reniaa

    hi eyes open :s if i start doubting the bible's teaching I wouldn't be a Christian at all, I remember taking part of a massive debate on an Atheist forum on the destruction of tyre prophecies being a failed one but in the end i think the pro-prophecy group put the better arguement.

    I think i have to accept as a starting line that what the bible teaches is correct inc all the end of time prophecies.

    Lol i didn't want this debate to goto an imperfect teaching one which has it own set of flaws which throw me, ones that would have me not being religious at all never mind christian basically the harsh measure you apply to Jw teaching being imperfect if pointed at any other faith would find equal flaws and in many cases more so.... "trinity"/ modern faithhealing (tv evangelists) / aliens(scientology)/ gold tablets (mormons) cough ahem

    When you then look at the JW's the biggest teaching fault that you have against them which is their intepretation of how the end of days as prophecied in the bible plays out, times dates etc, but if they have it wrong, who has it right?

    Again back to imperfect people if someone is stumbled because a Jw couple get away with fornaicating before they are married isn't that just biblical, joseph himself had to accept a pregnant mary knowing the child wasn't his while they were betrothed so the bible shows erm anticipating vows is very human from time immemorial if the jewish faith had circumstances that allowed for it.

  • Finally-Free

    When an organization claims to be God's only channel of communication to mankind it should be prepared to prove it beyond any reasonable doubt.

    Protecting people who rape children is not a good way of doing that.


  • isaacaustin


    You are missing the point here. You asked "Who has it right?"

    It isn't about what org has it right. Peter didn't ask Jesus w"where else is there to go?" He asked TO WHOM ELSE are we to go. Doctrines will be flawed, yes. The truth isn't an org...it is Jesus and trusting in him

  • sacolton
    He asked TO WHOM ELSE are we to go. Doctrines will be flawed, yes. The truth isn't an org...it is Jesus and trusting in him


  • reniaa

    I don't want to bring the paedophile thing into this debate to deeply basically because it's to close to home for me as someone who knows personally that it exists just as terribly outside of the Jw's and personally I feel society and mankind as a whole should be held responsible for the vulnerability of our children in this respect! I won't even bother trying to defend JW's in this, like any other organisation ie , church, children home, School, care home, hospital, they have let their people down by not protecting them enough from this danger, but one thing i won't do is pretend this is just a JW issue when it clearly is a World-wide one. thats all i'll say on this subject.

    I see from some arguements that you think the people as Jw's are more imperfect because of the organisation? would this be a correct observation?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I did not leave because of the hypocrisy.... but I dared to begin a careful examination due to the lack of love and hypocrisy. Such a shortfall of Love, that I began to doubt that God could be involved with them at all. [In fact, not much different than the way I view most churches that claim an exclusive relationship with God nowadays.]

    I found an organization that had lied to it's people and called it 'new light', that had hidden agendas, had violated it's very own moral codes on many levels, had misrepresented itself, misrepresented prophecy, in fact altered the Bible itself to support 'the unique teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses'. Now those were good reasons to take a healthy look. Once one does that, it becomes apparent that the membership is just a bunch of deluded people - and yes they are imperfect - but never did that drive me to leave. In fact I overlooked that for 48 years. I still do.

    I actually don't see much of what you state that you see: People claiming to leave over imperfection of the individual Jw's? In fact, in four years on this forum, I don't recall a single time that I ever saw that stated as the driving reason that someone left. Could you please point out where you have seen it? After leaving, the level of resentment that some have felt over decades of deception might lead them to a phase of criticism of Jw's as people, but most seem to recognise that Jw's are good people, mislead by an evil organization.


    Edited to add: Although I did not leave due to imperfection - I did believe that Jw's, as God's people, had an obligation to act in a fashion that would represent Him. Failure in that regard did provide a significant part of the 'spark' that ignited the fire. But if the organization had not been combustible in that investigation, I would have remained and continued my tolerance of the imperfect people. All people are imperfect.

  • Sirona

    I second what Jeff just said:

    Who said they left the JW organisation just because of the hypocrisy of individual JWs?

    I don't know anyone who left just for that reason alone.


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