Meeting schedule rearranged...WHY?

by sir82 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • garybuss

    One obvious reason for eliminating the "book" study is a lack of "books" to study. The reason for a lack of books to study is the lack of something to write about in any new books. Wild end time speculation with time running dates due to expire (again) seems to be not in the present business plan.

    The only book they haven't studied is the Bible and they shut down the meeting before they'd study that one.

    You know why they can't study the Bible? No questions at the bottom of the page.

  • SirNose586
    You know why they can't study the Bible? No questions at the bottom of the page.

    Good point. I would agree with you on the "lack of books" point, Gary, but it seems to me that they're content to recycle the same old crap time and time again. Innovation is not their strong point. How hard could it be to make up 192 pages of fluff year after year? Don't tell me they're struggling with that!!!

  • Amber Rose
    Amber Rose

    At the last convention I was at (2005 I think) in the final talk, given by a "bethel heavy" he specifically mentioned there being a shortage of qualified men. They gave numbers of how many MS's and Elders - like a quota that needed to be filled. They probably tried to spin it that there were so many new people coming into the org, too new to take the lead. But we know that the old guys are dying off and the young guys are leaving or just not interested in extra responsibility without pay. I think they just aren't enough elders to conduct and MS's to fill 4-6 bookstudies, plus WT conductor, PO, secretary, school conductor and service overseer.

  • david_10

    Everybody's talking like this book study change is a done deal. But does anyone actually have any hard proof of this? So far, it looks to me like rumors and gossip. I just can't believe that the society would do something this drastic. I would have an easier time believing that the big announcement is going to say that it's alright to take a blood transfusion. That's how big this thing is. Unless someone can scan a copy of that letter, I'll think I'll hold off till Sunday and see what happens.


  • SPAZnik

    Maybe they're gonna announce "peace and security". :P

  • WTWizard

    If people are not going to a boasting session on Tuesday evenings, then they can be out in field circus. It also prevents them from having the damn things on Monday afternoons or Saturday mornings, before field circus. And it goes along with banning small groups studying independently or using independent sources (it only takes one study group to use independent sources to ruin it for the whole congregation).

  • seek2find

    Maybe with all the judicial problems and committee meetings, they are having trouble finding the time to handle the load of cases. Another free night would ease the problem some. There has been several disfellowshippings here recently. Your's truly (Me) being one. How many times in the past have we heard of how important the Book Study arrangement was? Now it's not? Why? If the lights getting brighter. Why is the bookstudy being eliminated, when it was held up so long as being a good arrangement? It will be interesting to see the response. I'm glad they threw me out, even tho I miss some of my old friends. seek2find

  • 10p

    dont know why I'm adding my 2 cents worth - cos its only worth 1 cent, but anway:

    Printing costs a lot of money, the society is currently in a huge corporate restructuring mode to reduce costs everywhere. Splitting the WT and reducing the Awakes led to much less printing. Now with the BS on the cool, it means less printing of books to study. As someone alreadty pointed out, the re-covering of old books so much (REVELATION 4 times, GT 3 times) already points to this.

    I think pretty much everything the society does nowadays is for practical reasons - theology has never been their strong point, and now more than ever, they are acting like a shrewd corporation, not a religion.

    Look at all the changes over the last 20 years (those are the ones I can remember, anyway) and they've all had a common theme of lower costs or dumbing down. It seems obvious to me that the newer members of the GB can't be too up on their JW theology anyway ... otherwise they would have known there was no way in heck they could actually be 'anointed'

  • ssrriotsquad

    I dont know if it will be just the US or worldwide, but looking at the May KM, it has an announcement regarding the CBSO making sure that the emergency numbers of publishers are up to date. This had lead me to think of the following:

    1/ The change will not be immediate, as they have already announced the next book. Judging by a few other posters, the change maybe applied to the following book.

    2/ Most congregations have poor meetings attendances for both the TMS and BS.

    3/ There is a shortage of CBSO who are 'qualified', but this has no real impact as basically any elder is 'qualified' no matter how bad they are

    4/ Insurances have nothing to do with it, but peadophiles cases may have some bearing in the US


    5/ Don't you know that they are God's Holy Spirit Guided Organisation? They can do whatever they feel like!

  • ?me?

    ok, here is the time when Blondie can use her searching abilities and pull up EVERY quote from the publications about how great the cbs arrangement is why it is necessary! (smaller group to encourage shy ones to answer, the overseer can give more personal attention to EVERY publishers needs, prepares us for anytime when we may be banned._

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