Scariest Movie you have ever seen?

by Layla33 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • Layla33

    I know as exJWs, probably for the most, there was a secret freedom in watching horror films without thinking you would have a demon as a bed buddy.

    I am not very fond of every horror movie, but I will watch those that have an intelligent side to it and is not gore for the sake of gore. Some of it, just gets to me. Like "The Ring" got me going when I first watched it, just like "the Blair Witch Project" did, which is more about Suspense. Anyway, I never saw any of the Saw movies, so I am going to try to watch Saw III tonight, since it is on Showtime.

    What are some the scariest horror movies you have ever seen and which ones were you not able to watch all the way through?

    Anyone still believe that it brings demons in your life? Just curious...

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Scariest? Psycho.

    Creepiest? The Sixth Sense (followed closely by Signs)

  • shamus100

    Hey Big Tex,

    Nice to see a familiar face again. Hope all is well with you.

    I'd say The Shining.

  • Leolaia

    Well, I was only a little kid at the time, but the 1978 remake of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" was seriously scary -- not in a typical horror movie shock/gore sort of way, but in a real eerie, creppy, get-under-your-skin, freaky sort of way. I caught it recently on TV and it still has that effect. That was especially due to the sound effects which are very effective -- the sounds of the pods developing and opening, the very creppy squeally sound of the pod people screaming, etc. Whoever did the sound effects should have gotten an award.

  • Layla33

    Oh I forgot to mention the first time I watched the Exorcist and Poltergist, I slept with the light on for exactly two weeks. I didn't have one good night of sleep, every noise I heard I was convinced a demon was living under my bed.

    I can laugh about it now, but I am not even exaggerating, I was scared.

  • hamsterbait

    The original film of Shirley Jackson's creepy book "The Haunting of Hill House", with music by Humphrey Searle(??)

    "THE HAUNTING" Watch it with all the lights off.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Hey Big Tex,

    Nice to see a familiar face again. Hope all is well with you.

    Howdy Shamus! How's everything in the Great White North? I recognize the avatar. I remember the evil Bert.

    >manly chuck on the shoulder<

  • shamus100

    Oh, you know how it goes, Big Tex, sometimes your life just goes full circle. In other words, just great! Things have never been better.

    The snow is melting, and I'm going ski mountaineering for four days starting tomorrow. Pretty exciting!

  • Layla33

    Okay, I think me and this movie are coming to an end. Too much gore, not that it is scary, it's too gory, I am trying to get through it.

    I just thought about, the scariest movie I have ever seen, that I watched until almost the end is a japanese movie called "The Audition". It was horror at the very basic level.

  • Casper
    Exorcist and Poltergeist

    These two did me in. I have a really hard time dealing with movies that involve Satan. Plays on my mind. I still to this day, think my bed shakes sometimes, and I saw these movies when they - FIRST - came out.

    "Hills Have Eyes" ruined my desire to drive across the US....


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