Dress & Grooming for visiting Bethel. scans inside!!!!!11 LOL

by karvel 171 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wifibandit
  • pcop

    Establishing dress codes is a "control mechanism." The military used it. (I am a 20 year Veteran).

    Dress and grooming codes psychologically binds individuals.

    Yet, the Most High God does not see the outer appearance of a person, He sees into the heart.

    These are Anglo/European/American dress and grooming codes.

    I am an African American who lives in West Africa and I can tell you that the imposition of such codes upon many of the African people here is "un-natural" and arrogant.

    It is very hot over here and Africans who have been "Europeanized" and "converted" by the Missionaries over the many years look uncomfortable and ridiculous walking around in suit and tie in this hot and human weather sweating in streams.

    This is one of the evils of what men call and named "Christianity." It is not enough to strip African peoples of their natural identities, but to change them to have Anglo/European/American mindsets. This is a crime and it is ungodly and a thing God had not commanded.

    It always bothered me when I went door to door in field service as an African American. My mannerisms were not natural because they were not mine.

    Going into a ghetto area in field service: Who are the people who live in the ghetto most likely to listen to, a White Brother or a Black Brother who acts like he is a White man. I can tell you neither of them will get much of a hearing.

    I new of an African American Ministerial Servant who was harrassed by a White Bethlite Elder in the congregation because he had a small shag of hair at the base of his neck. Not one Black Brother or Sister noticed it or was bothered by it when they were made aware of it. It bothered this White Bethelite.

    The Ministerial Servant was a good dresser and speaker. He was losing his hair and was doing the best with what he had.

    The Ministerial Servant was asked to step down because of the small patch of hair (combed against the grain) on his neck. I was shocked.

    The Ministerial Servant was so upset he eventually left off from coming to the meetings. Quietly and secretly many Black Brothers and Sisters were upset but would put on fake smiles during the meetings. I was not quiet about it because that Ministerial Servant was my friend and he simply did not see what he did wrong.

    I told him, "Your crime was you resisted being molded into the Anglo/European/Image that the Watch Tower promotes." You look African instead of White-looking (image-wise).

    A balding White Brother who throws to strand of hair over his forehead to cover his baldness has nothing said to him. This shows a willingness NOT to understand and TRULY accept people of color as they are and as they were created. The Watch Tower organization and indeed all of Christianity desires to them us all makeovers to fit an Anglo/European/American image.

    I said to him, "Do you really think that the Watch Tower will portray Jesus, Adam and Eve, Angels and others within the publications other than someone of European descent?"

    We have to look at this for what it is: It is all about the exercise of power and control over the individual.

    This is not the Most High God's way. He would NEVER burden persons down with such nonsense. Only men do this.

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