Interesting Banter on the Watchtower Comments Page

by V 37 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • BizzyBee

    BSS provides living proof that "a little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing."

    He knows a bit about the principles of NLP and argumentation, but zip about practical application.

  • ninja

    hey were nowhere near as bad as that guy is a few years were far worse......he he.....kidding matey.....da ninj

  • truth.ceeker


    I appreciate your videos. They are very well executed and are concise so that it allows me to grab the content without much effort. Keep up the fine work and I'll keep looking for your future installments.


  • jwfacts

    Excellent reasoning V.

    BSS does what many JW's do, read the information, and then Ad Hominem attack you and your motives, rather than address any of the points. I get these types of emails to website, rarely addressing any specific point, but rather dismissing it all by labelling me as an apostate.

  • Spook

    Neuro Linguistic Programming is bunk pseudoscience from the early days of modern linguistic science and linguistic philosophy. The advantage for those who buy into it is that they can buy into absolutely anything.

    Ironically, if he read The Structure Of Magic by Richard Bandler, the founder, he'd at least get enough insite into linguistic presuppositions to trace the BS of the society back to it's root assumptions, the only unique one of which is the FDS class. Other than that, they have mostly protestant presuppositions with a few heretical sectarian beliefs from minority counterhistorical arguments.

    Are there even dozens of anti-JW books? I think there are only a few decent ones.

  • V
    he'd at least get enough insite into linguistic presuppositions to ...Other than that, they have mostly protestant presuppositions with a few heretical sectarian beliefs from minority counterhistorical arguments.

    Well that statement would glaze every JW I know!

  • Casper

    It's threads like this that keep me coming back to JWD....

    Great Job... V


  • Tatiana
    he'd at least get enough insite into linguistic presuppositions to ...Other than that, they have mostly protestant presuppositions with a few heretical sectarian beliefs from minority counterhistorical arguments.

    Well that statement would glaze every JW I know!

  • LayingLow

    I found it interesting that he calculated it worth while to spend his time trying to correct you by finding fault with your methods of finding faults with other peoples' methods and claiming that they were a waste of time.

    He said that you should be preaching the kingdom instead of finding fault, yet he is finding fault with you and probably counting time "preaching the kingdom." I found the irony humorous.

    Keep it up.

  • oldseeker2

    I usually am just a lurker (still in the borg, more on that later) but I had to respond to the interchange wih "biblestudentSteve".

    His statement: "same old stuff" is interesting because he is using a ploy that attempts to qualify what was said by labeling it, in this case, minimizing it as if to dismiss it completely. As Soren Kierkegaard (Danish philospher and theologian) said: "Once you label me you negate me". As humans we do this all the time because it allows us to put 'things' in nice neat little 'packages' without having to consider the real depth of a person, argument, event, thing, etc. In other words, we become lazy and don't want to think too deeply about someone or something.

    Most people, including JW's, do this very thing. By covering over or labeling the world (bad/evil/Satan), religion (all false except for mine), opposing or contradictory thoughts (apostate) we can neatly compartmentalize everything to give us more time and energy to do the bidding of the people who taught us how to do the labeling.

    His discussion of causality is also interesting because he is, perhaps unknowingly, doing exactly what he finds so abhorrent. He said:

    Your above statement is an example of the "because frame" that is used in professional persuasion.

    It's used to trick people into believing there is a causal releationship between the 2 phrases.

    Phrase A "because" Phrase B

    When in reality there is no causal relationship between the two.

    The fact that you are using the "same old stuff" (Phrase A) ... doesn't prove it is "valid and accurate" (Phrase B).

    The use of the word "because" creates an implied relationship where there is none.

    Sorry, not tricky enough.

    Perhaps we can catch biblestudentSteve in his own cleverness because he earlier stated:

    Ultimately, Jesus' true disciples would be preaching "the kingdom". Your ministry is simply trying to create FUD ....

    Using his own logic, isn't he saying (at least implying) that JW's are proved to be Jesus' true disciples (the "B" in the causality model) becausethey are "preaching the good news" (the "A" in the causality model). He states this but presents no facts as to the truth of the statements, presents no evidence, and then wants to walk away from the discussion. I do believe he is really into 'labeling'.

    Perhaps he read a few (maybe dozens) of books on intellectualism and "now he are one" (sorry, this sounds like a label doesn't it?).


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