What's The Worst Thing An Elder or Elders Did To You?

by minimus 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Was there anything truly terrible???

  • OnTheWayOut

    One of them studied WT literature with me, then led me to the alter of Jehovah at baptism.

    But the absolute worst thing the elders did to me-

    They made me one of them. I didn't even think to reject it by the time they tore me apart and
    remade me in their image.

  • minimus

    Whew! That was powerful.

  • Finally-Free

    They approved me for baptism.


  • JH

    I was aux. pioneering 4 months a year when I was out of work, but when I worked, I did only 2 or 3 hours or FS a month. Afterwards when I was out of work and free to aux. pioneer again, 2 elders had to sign a slip of paper. One signed, the other elder didn't want to sign, so I wasn't allowed to aux. pioneer. His reason was that I didn't do enough hours in the FS while I was in my working season.

    The elders knew that I had a seasonal job and was prone to do more or less hours depening if I worked midnight to eight or not.

    That elder told me to quit my job if I couldn't do more than 2 hours a month FS.

    I did 350 to 400 hours of FS a year, and they tell me to quit my job...... because 3 or 4 months a year, I do less than the average.

    That was the slap in the face I needed to wake up !!!

  • Finally-Free

    JH, the problem is that you are too honest. You should have lied about your hours, just like many of the elders and ministerial servants do.


  • minimus

    When I was younger, a prominent elder went after me. He was the Society's go to man in this area. I eventually resigned as the PO in my Hall and went to friendlier pastures. He sucked.

  • MOG

    said they prayed to Jehovah and got his approval to name me a minestrial servant..which I kindly turned down..okay - I had to fight my dad for a year and then I left..shun for 12-15 years..and barely talks to me now

  • beksbks
    He truly sucked donkey balls.

    I would think he would at the least be publicly reproved for that

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hey Min,

    Not TRULY, yet ...

    Questioning family members behind my back regarding my "activities" and refusing to call on me at all the meetings because of alleged apostasy.

    CoCo Non Culpable

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