DA'd myself today

by Pierced Angel 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • JeffT

    Congratulations. My wife and I went through a very long struggle before we DA'd ourselves (now almost 13 years ago). You are on the road to a free and wonderful life, and you have a great support system in places like this board.

    I agree with Unc. don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. The Watchtower grossly misrepresents who God is, and how he acts towards us.

    Please feel free to e-mail if you ever want to talk more.

  • Grout

    Welcome to the human race!

    Chip Salzenberg: Free-Floating Agent of Chaos

  • HadEnuf

    Such a courageous step to take. I envy you as I (or my husband) have not yet reached that point. (BUT...I did send my oldest son a birthday card today. The first card I ever sent him in 24 years! Arghhhhhhhh...I felt like such a REBEL and it felt so good!!) Maybe it's gonna take a lot of little steps like this before I actually take the final step to "cut the cord" as you have done.

    I hope the step you took today brings you much peace in your heart.

  • Marilyn

    bboyneko comments remind me of what the CO said to me when we told them we were leaving. "Your husband will have no rules in place to keep him faithful to you now". What an insult to me I thought!!!! What a twisted view of life they have. Anyway, 20 yrs later and still very happily married - some how we've struggled on without all their rules and regulations and some how we've managed to be very happy, and successful by simply using a commonsense approach to life. Remember: The best form of revenge is to live well!!!!


  • bluesapphire

    I'm happy for you too! Congratulations. Let's celebrate freedom!

  • Marilyn

    HadEnuf, I just wanted to tell you that we took about 3 yrs before we had the courage to leave. Even then it might not have happened had it not been for the birth of our second child, who cried day and nite and placed a tremendous strain on us - carrying on the WT charade became despensible. We also knew that we were responsible for 2 small children and we couldn't inflict the WT life on them when we no longer believed it. It's funny what you will put up with for yourself, but when there are children involved you are forced to re think. (this is the reason that so many have to stay in - and I completely understand why they do). My encouragment to you is to take your time. I am a great believer in waiting until the time and opportunity presents itself to make a difficult decision - rather than forcing the issue before it feels comfortable for you.

    I wish you well....


  • Princess

    Good for you pierced angel! I'm sure if the elders had ever bothered to visit with us we would have done the same thing. Whether or not someone has been DA'd or DF'd or otherwise "official ex-jw", just leaving the organization takes courage and makes you a better person.


    Princess (the original)

  • peterstride

    Wow...I'm stunned...I didn't think U were that close to finally making it official and coming out (sorry guys...not that kind of coming out!)...it took a lot of courage though! [:-)]

    Lots of hugs from me Angel!


    Peter Stride
    Toronto, Canada

  • LovesDubs

    Welcome to freedom, its scary, wonderful, exhiliarating, terrifying, fun, and a whole bunch of other things all at the same time :)

    Yeah they cried...the minute you walked out the door they TURNED on you like a wolf pack honey...dont for ONE SECOND think they didnt.

    Friends indeed. Friends dont let friends waste their lives.

    Love ya!

  • HadEnuf

    Thank you for your kind words Marilyn. I have such admiration for all of you who have taken the final steps to free yourselves and regain some self-respect. I just hate being in this living "limbo"...but don't just have myself to consider, with all my relatives being JW's. My mom is 81...my husband's parents are 90 and 87. They believe in the organization as much as I don't believe in it anymore. Man...what a bummer.

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