What was it that "clicked" w/ you that this wasn't the "true religion"?

by cognac 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    There were so many things in the making of my exit- primary among them was "This Generation"
    from 1995. It was treated as NO BIG DEAL in my congregation. It was important to me, but I
    managed to put it aside for years. It was compounded when I spoke to my mother and she
    tried to explain how the end was imminent because "Adam was over 6000 years old, we don't
    know how long after Eve was created, but the last 1000 years of the 7000-year Creative Day
    (of rest) must fit into that period, so Jesus rule must start soon."

    What really clicked for me, although I would have gotten there sooner or later was the 2005(?)
    Elder's School. It was all about protecting the Borg, legalistic things, keeping men as elders
    even when they "sinned." It was clear to me that I was in an organization of MEN and not GOD.
    While I remained an elder for several more months, I was just gathering ammunition and waiting
    for the right time.

  • faundy

    For and me it was when it became clear that when you miss a few meetings and start to fade they treat you like you have leprosy and shun you without knowing why. The elders tell us to shun people, from the platform if someone gets disfellowshiped and we never know the reason. That just can't be right.

  • blondie

    Lying elders, provable, witnessable lies.

  • allreadygone

    For me, it was the failed prophecies, specifically The "Generation" 0f Matthew 24. When the "Generation" that was not going to pass away, turned 80, I really started thinking for the first time that something is not right. If it really is the truth, then it should be able to be proven, no matter what the source of research is. Once you allow yourself a chance to THINK, it doesn't take long to realize that it is a religion based on fear and lies. And this just doesn't reconcile with a God of love and truth. Gone

  • babygirl75

    It's funny how it never really really clicked with me until I had left a bad marriage with a JW and was df'd. Then I began to see how messed up things really were with that religion. It's funny how when you are raised in, you seem to go through the motions and never really take in the true meaning of things until you are on the outside looking in. I at first started going back to meetings and starting my road to reinstatment, but then things such as the generation change and just seeing how I was being treated and the hypocrisy changed my mind! Haven't been to a KH in years...Will never go back!!

  • jaguarbass

    January 1, 1976.

    If someone was in the organization at that time and cognizant, and they didnt have a major pop, explosion, click, I doubt they have much clicking going on in their grey matter today.

  • worldtraveller

    As many of you know, I studied for about 5 years with a Witness.(Never was one). I started to do my own studying and found:

    2) I understand Witnesses shun people. His response- "Witnesses do not shun people" Clearly evident on JWD.

    The #1issue) "Worldly people" How repulsively arrogant that they roll their hands in anticipation of inheriting all the world has to offer. Imagine window washers trying to fix a nuclear power plant. Give me a freaking break!!

  • MissingLink

    "Avoid Independent Thinking".

    Who said cult?

  • real one
    real one

    i felt through the years something wasn't right. Especially being told that the jw were the only ones approved of by God. I could not believe that. Then I started going on websites which as you now is forbidden....now I know why.

  • bonnzo

    always wondered about some things, such as 144,000 being literal, 144,000 sealed around 1935(since changed), real proof that jesus inspected christianity in 1918 and chose them(anyone can claim this and the LDS do). but about 3 years ago, i saw a special Newsweek magazine on history and the bible. There was a timeline of bible events and it listed 587 for the year of Jerusalems fall. Of course, I thought it was wrong until I researched it on the internet. Wow! Pages and pages citing 586/7. About the only one using 607 was........Watchtower.org. I really don't believe anything I hear anymore. Unfortunately, since I'm still in of my own choosing, i hear a lot.

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