What was it that "clicked" w/ you that this wasn't the "true religion"?

by cognac 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    They claim zero tolerance for idolatry, and yet they worship the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger. The need for so many signs at the Grand Boasting Session, all the petty rules, and that what goes on in one congregation is not the same elsewhere. And they are trending toward absolutely no fun, whether entertainment or variety at the boasting sessions, cheapening of the littera-trash, and having to get up at 5:30 in the morning for street work told me that serving God was a burden. So much for the "light load".

  • thepackage

    I was always bothered by the negitive view of College. I was always told by a few Elders "don't make it known you have gone to college". I was meant to feel back for having an education. But the "click" for me was the blood issue. I could not understand the WTS position on it. When I did read CofC i was very nervous.

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    Cognac- For one, the U.N. was extremely damning. That was the first step, I could never get around that. Then when the child molestation issues happened it solidified it. I wasn't nervous to read C.O.C. really. I was actually quite ecstatic that I was getting it. I guess in my mind I had already made a decision that the WTS was corrupt and I wanted nothing to do with it. C.O.C. really just gave me the ammo I needed to actually profess that I wanted nothing to do with the org.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    It came when I began to look back at how I came to believe it was the truth. I started to realize that I reached a certain point where I was just believing everything they where telling me and did not test it out.

    Once I realized that most of what I believed relied upon a high level of faith in the WTS I saw how possible it was that I could have been duped. That's when I started my journey out.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    The commercial aspect of it all

    I was a young lad in the late 60's and endured all the hype and anxiety leading up to 1975, when nothing happened it broke my faith that

    the WTS was being directed by God's holly spirit, it also broke my confidence from anything else that came out of theses assholes mouths

    from then on in. And they are still in business selling their lies and ignorance, just as they did some 40 years ago, I guess money and power has its privileges.

    Power and money usually leads to corruption in one way or another doesn't, I'm very glad I separated from it all when I did.

  • Finally-Free

    There were a number of things that bothered me over the years, but I considered them minor at the time. A big one was that my ex was molested as a child and it was covered up. Of her 3 abusers, 2 later became elders. Were they "appointed by holy spirit"??? Not bloody likely. Still, she didn't want to pursue the matter so I kept my mouth shut - I thought hers was an isolated case that fell through the cracks. Once I found out how widespread the child abuse problem was in the watchtower I could no longer remain a JW and still respect myself.


  • confusa

    Towards the end I started feeling overburdened, tired, and bored out. I felt so alone and sad every time I went to the hall, I will cry when I'll get home and my husband could just not understand at the time. We started missing meetings more and more until we just stopped going, it was so much easier to spend time at home relaxing and just enjoying each other's company without the stress of a last minute talk or sermon to prepare for, or rush with out dinner to make it on time to the meeting. Not to mention all the gossip and judging and people trying to know things about you, like how much you earn and why we left the full-time service...it was unbelievable! So much control, so much double standards...sickened me at the end. But whahat finally convinced me that the JW is just like any other religious org was reading CoC - the Malawi incident really hit me hard and it boiled my blood , the pedophile cases and most recently, the UN involvement.

  • R.F.

    Reading through the Acts of Apostles, Romans, and Galatians without the WT covering my eyes..

  • Robert7

    The requirement for exclusive devotion to a man-made religion that is falliable. More talk about the 'faithful slave' and 'Jehovah's organization' than God and Jesus themselves. Made me realize this wasn't a 'channel' but another entity that wanted worship.

  • Einstein

    I could not accept the WT claim that the remaining annointed of the 144,000 are only JW's in 'this time of the end'. I thought to myself "is this one big scam?"

    In fact my question still is what makes these people annointed? Is it because of the 1935 date or that they have an out of body experience? Is it one big lie? What didn't help to answer this perplexing question was the failed prophecies and the "new" members of the annointed and also that lame nephilim story. Bogus, bogus bogus!

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