Things You HATED About Being a JW

by minimus 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robert7

    1) Field service. Funny thing is recenlty talking to people, virtually everyone actually hates it!

    2) Commenting. I felt so stupid having to repeat a sentance that was just stated in the paragraph, which was already written at a 5th grade level.

  • megaflower

    EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I esp hated the way many of the men(ones of leadership) treated women. We were treated as possessions for them to use and abuse.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    I hated being in class (grades K-6), and the homeroom mothers would arrive with the party food. That was my cue, to go to the office, and sit, til the party was over.

  • minimus

    I hated that we had to wait until after the holidays to eat the candy.

  • myababes

    1. Being made to leave the class during RE.

    2. having to take days off when it was the xmas party.

    3 Not having any pressies to talk about after xmas.

    4. not allowed to go to discos at school.

    5. ministry and meeting friends on the doors.

    6. having to sit outside the hall during assemblies

    7. having to go behind my parents back to go to pubs.

    8. not being allowed to have worldly friends at school

    9. Not being able to join in with birthday buns at work on colleagues birthdays.

    How many more do you want? I could go on forever.

  • minimus

    yeah....having to sneak

  • jacethespace

    Hated having no time and running from work to meetings and ministry.

    All that crap about it being wrong to flirt with opposite sex and me thinking well how do you have a relationship then with no flirting.

    The arrogant self rightousness that seemed to be in the tower.

    Those boring kingdom songs.

    For me personally [ was this the same for others?] my congregation was filled with mainly elderly people and i often thought to myself> What am i doing sitting here rather than mixing with people my own age.

  • jacethespace

    Oh yeah feeling like i was being constantly judged by others in the cong esp cause of being young and wanting a life and desires.Totally anti life i think they are now.

  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open

    Everything; I just didn't let myself fully realise. I knew I'd rather stay at home than go to the meetings or on the ministry, though.

  • jaguarbass

    What did YOU HATE about being a Jehovah's Witness?

    When I was in shcool, I hated everything about it and would tell no one about my mothers affliction.

    When I got out of school and married I accepted it from like 72 to 75. Thank heaven for 76 when I began my escape.

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