Things You HATED About Being a JW

by minimus 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • willdabeerman

    I despised the fact that I was 'asked' to ALWAYS volunteer on quick builds and other construction projects at my own expense and using my own tools and expertise that I would normally charge many thousands of dollars for. Then they would pretty much expect it always without question. In addition to that, the asinine field service 'time' requirements. Plus all that was mentioned in the posts before this one.

  • Crumpet

    Pretty much everything Myabes said!

    Mainly the interminable boredom of every dreary moment occupied in "theocratic" activity. My family was one that began every morning with the text, went on the service at every opportunity, spent all evenings that weren't meeting nights having family studies, or preparing for meetings.

    I think its what has genuinely contributed to my absolute terror of boredom to the point that I often decline invitations because I am scared I will be bored and won't be able to escape.

  • cognac

    Not being able to sleep in - EVER!!!!!!!!!

  • Hermano

    I hated that I wasted so much energy trying to get the approval of a "loving" God/Dad who is EXTREMELY picky and petty.

  • Junction-Guy

    Just what Prophecor said. I hated the fact that I was made to feel guilty for wanting a girlfriend, like there was something wrong with me. This probably has done more damage in my life than even the college issue.

  • oompa
    cognac: Not being able to sleep in - EVER!!!!!!!!!

    Priceless....and ditto. As a little kid I sooooooooo wanted to watch tv on Saturday morning....instead we always worked my school neighborhood, so I got to watch my classmates watch cartoons......what fun.............................................................oompa

  • stillajwexelder


  • DanTheMan

    I hated going door 2 door to the point where I think I even prayed to Jehohum to shed some new light on the subject. What made it especially bad at times was the fact that even though I converted to the Witnesses when I was in my 20's, I still looked like a kid and so I tended to get put into FiS groups with raised-in-da-troof teenagers, a segment of JW society that I never really had much rapport with, to put it mildly. I think they thought I was weird. I was. LOL

  • FlyingHighNow

    • The gave me fear of god, something I had never experienced before.
    • The guilt.
    • Them kicking me when I was down.
    • Taking away our individuality. Not unlike what happened in China.
    • Alienating my friends and family.

    Oh, I can't go on. This just makes me sick.

  • shamus100

    QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS!!!! Minimus.... you're still alive.

    For someone accused of being a troll so many times, I can't believe you're still here. Nice to see a familiar face. Hope all is well with you, and wish you all the best.

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