Things You HATED About Being a JW

by minimus 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Samuel Thorsen
    Samuel Thorsen

    Field circus

    Feeling forced to take stupid magazines with tasteless illustrations seriously and recommending them to other people.

  • minimus


    Remember the good old days of me being called a "TROLL"? There was quite a buzz about me then. Actually, I'll see if I can find that thread for laughs.

  • stillajwexelder

    The Ministry on Christmas Day - God I hated that with a passion

  • minimus

    The biggest relief of no longer doing anything involving the Witnesses has to involving time. They keep you so wrapped up, there's no way you could do anything without it properly being part of the religion. Now we can ENJOY TIME itself!

  • feenx

    PHONE WORK!! as if it's not bad enough we had to prance around in suits in neighborhoods now on cold days or help support the elderly who still wanted to be active in the ministry we get to sit around a table with a script given by HQ and play telemarketer, only instead of crappy products we're selling mind control. LOVELY!! GAG!!

  • free2think

    I hated:

    Field Service

    The Service Meeting

    Public Talk and Watchtower

    The Group Book

    District Conventions and Special Ass Days and Circuit Ass

    and all the preparation and personal study (that i never quite got the hang of).

    And Meditation (again never quite got the hang of, ended up daydreaming about something or other lol).

    Other then that i loved it.

  • heyfea


    Plus, someone mentioned that they went to the meetings after work without having had any dinner. That was our case too, but, we had a small child. So, I would take a small break during the meeting to feed my son. I hated the indignant looks I got from this stupid bethelite whenever I did this.

    Last thing I heard, he left the dubs. too.

  • rimfiredancing

    Losing my spirituality and eventually any desire to be spiritual, losing my hope in the goodness of human beings, my trust in a higher form of being; struggling with my increasing grief over the deaths of billions of people simply because they hadn't heard 'the truth', the nightmares about armaggedon, the fear, the constant strain of watching myself in case I 'slipped up' and was found unworthy, the self hatred, watching my gentle and intelligent son gradually shut down due to the weight of stupidity, ignorance, prejudice and arrogance around him, the blatant hypocrisy that was always justified in the most facile ways, the condescension towards and hatred of women and children, the slavery, the twisting of scriptures to suit their ends, the covering over of child abuse. The way we were expected to destroy the spirits of our children in order to 'mould them' into 'good christian witnesses'; the whole concept of a god who couldn't love its creations unless they were something utterly different to what they actually were, the emotional, psychological and spiritual abuse when all I was striving to do was be a loving and caring person.

    I was utterly bewildered and creeped out by the obsession, paranoia and constant focus on sex, the possibility of sexual sin, sex AS sin, being female as sin, being normally sexually healthy as sin, enjoying sex being a sin, having brothers speak to my breasts, the shame women were meant to feel over breastfeeding, my disgust at having to breastfeed in a hot, airless room that reeked of baby poo because of the disposable nappies in case some brother might be 'stumbled' at the sight of a baby hidden beneath a blanket feeding. I eventually came to hate being around such sick people. I loaathed the whole idea of 'stumbling', which was a tool that people used in order to get other people to live the way THEY wanted people to behave.

    It's taken me a decade to even explore the concept of spirituality again and I have zero interest in that being tied into any form of religion. I no longer believe or have any interest in the concept of a 'god', let alone one that has an interest in its creations; there is no salvation because we don't need it, there's nothing fundamentally evil about or wrong with being incarnated. I love phsyical incarnation, being three dimensional and the natural world around me. If there is something after death it's unknown and therefore it's nothing more than a mind experiment to conjecture over it, I'm open to mystery because the world is full of them. I no longer resist the idea of the deaths of billions because a large portion of the planet are so spirit damaged that they will destroy the entire planet and everything on it in pursuit of their delusions: I don't believe in human superiority above all other species, so it's understandable that a rebalancing will take place. I look forward to the destruction of civilisation and all its toxic memes.

    I like my piercings and tattoos- my nose piercing earned me a year of weekly talks aimed directly at me during the service meetings. Now I have more piercings, a tattoo on my back that marks the death of my mother last year: after this baby is born there shall be more tattoos, to mark the births of all of my children symbolically, to represent my relationship with my beloved Michael, to mark the death of my beautiful daughter Lyddie last year just shy of her tenth birthday. I am part Maori and have a love for body art and its symbolism. We are about to move to the rainforest to live in a tipi, with an earth house for winter, we're into self sufficiency in a tribal way, we follow a form of spirituality that is earth based and tribal in its outlook.

    My healing is a life long journey. :)

  • minimus

    I HATED having to worry, that as an elder, I MIGHT "stumble" someone.

    My REAL personality involves me being humorous, dirty, sly, comical and unconventional. Being a "good Witness", I could never be the real me.

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    I hated it when I was out in field service and came to the door of a kid I went to school with.

    I hated meetings

    I hated assemblies.

    I REALLY hated singing those aweful songs

    I hated the whole Palino Family.

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