Wow, the year is 2008, and still no Armageddon!

by Nosferatu 140 Replies latest jw friends

  • isaacaustin

    thanks Heaven :) LOL

    But anyway, yes I may fly of the handle at times...i may be harsh with people..I may be short....but I think everyone knows I don't just throw wild accusations at people or start fires and run...

    That sort of behavior really is typical of many JWs, who will always try to turn the situation around and make themself the victim and the other people in the wrong as persecutors...

  • isaacaustin

    And for the record AE, I was one who defended you on this board at the anyone stopped when I saw your agenda....

  • JWoods

    Here's a plan - lets put this one into beddy-bie, and start a new one thus so:

    Re: Wow, the year is 2009, and still no Armageddon!

    I am still thinking about a suitable title for a 2010 thread, which is just around the corner - as the Witnesses would say...

  • isaacaustin

    LOL its any day now....its so close...we're in the end...the end of the end...the final part of the last days...the hour is late LOL

  • Trevor Scott
    Trevor Scott

    : yes i wholely believe and trust in the governing body.

    Your governing body tells you that by associating with apostates, you are actually sharing in their sins. In fact, according to your governing body, by even saying a greeting to an apostate, which I have personally observed you doing, you have become a sharer in the apostate's sins. By sharing in their sins, it follows that you will suffer the same fate as those that have apostacized.

    This is according to your governing body, whom you "wholely believe and trust"....

    I find it difficult to believe you when you say you BELIEVE and TRUST the governing body given your continued association with "apostates" publicly and via pm's on this site....

    Perhaps you would explain?

    *** w85 11/15 pp. 19-20 pars. 10-11 Do Not Share in the Sins of Others ***
    The apostle John showed that it is possible to share in another person’s sin. He wrote: “Everyone that pushes ahead and does not remain in the teaching of the Christ does not have God. . . . If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, never receive him into your homes or say a greeting to him. For he that says a greeting to him is a sharer in his wicked works.” (2 John 9-11) An apostate from “the teaching of the Christ” would not be a worthy associate, and by not even greeting him, the loyal Christian would avoid being a sharer in his wickedness. Since that is the case with an apostate, surely we would not want to become sharers in the wickedness of others whose immoral acts come to our attention.

  • isaacaustin

    Trevor, I also recall a Wt article warning not to read apostate lit, likening it to inviting the apostate into your home to relate your apostate ideas to you. Surely a forum full of former witnesses would also fit that bill.

  • bluecanary

    ae says we're not apostates, that she knows an apostate when she sees one. I've asked her what she thinks an apostate is then, but she never answered my question.

  • Trevor Scott
    Trevor Scott

    March 15, 1986 issue of The Watchtower, page 12.

  • isaacaustin

    It really does not matter how ae defines apostate- it is how the WT does. Per the WT definition we are apostates. The excuse apologists may try is that there are witnesses here so it is not an apostate site. That is also wrong, according to WT dogma. Those JWs here would be bad association, and also subject to jud committee inquisition.

  • JWoods

    Do we now see how wise it was of Jehovah to prolong the day of Armageddon far past the expected 1975, even far past the dying out (by any reasonable definition) of the "generation old enough to see the signs of 1914?

    Jehovah's divine intent was to let as many Apostates as can be face exposure because they became tired in the race after 90+ or even 30+ years.

    How many more Apostates will "fall away from things currently taught" over the next 25 years - yes, even over the next century?

    Thus, those surviving the great day of destruction will be a far cleaner theocratic lot than 1975 could ever have been - even if every good witness of today never actually gets to see the great day.

    Praise Jah, you patient & faithful ones.

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