did anyone on here ever have a paedophile in thier congregation?

by looloo 94 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • AndersonsInfo

    The experiences related on this thread are just horrible. I copied some of them and sent them on to a powerful team of attorneys who would like to help the victims get justice. Please PM me or contact me through a moderator, maybe Lady Lee, or even Simon or his wife, who own this discussion board. I noticed that some posts were made by new posters who perhaps don't know how to PM anybody. I PMd "A Mother" to please contact me and I've heard nothing. Please, please folks, if you want to see justice done, contact me. I won't ask any questions, but I will give you phone numbers of attorneys who will respect your privacy.

    I'm not trying to drum up business for attorneys, but the sorts of abuse stated in these four pages of posts can not be allowed to go unpunished. Don't feel so helpless, do something. Let attorneys with their hired investigators determine if you have a case against the perpetrators, the elders, and the Watchtower Society. It's time we stop talking about all the molestations we have heard of. It's time for action. Let's find the pedophiles, who caused so much harm and heartbreak, and put a stop to what they are doing. Let's get Watchtower to change their wicked policies through more and more civil court action. Let's bankrupt them. That's the only way I know of to stop this wickedness from continuing.

    I know some of the related cases are old, but don't let that stop you from contacting me. Some of the perps are dead, but don't let that stop you from contacting me. Remember, a few of the perps were dead who molested victims in the Oregon and California cases which Watchtower settled out-of-court last year. It was Watchtower policies that made it possible for the abuse to continue. How disgusting Watchtower officials are and they need to be found guilty in courts of law throughout this world.



  • MeneMene

    bttt - to make sure Barbara's comments are seen.

  • belbab

    I agree totally with the Anderson's Information.

    I am have been busy studying just one of the dozen cases and trying to put together a summarizing article to post on Barbara;s other thread.

    As I have read all the cases listed in this thread, I realize that many of them have just as much grounds for civil suits than the one I am studying.

    What am I finding? That any person that has been appointed in a position of responsibility in the congregation and that has been a child abuser that both that person and the Watchtower Society is liable for court action. That means any persons, from microphone handler, to literature assistants, field service supervisors, book study conductors, pioneers, anyone who has been appointed to a position of supervision which leads children to believe they are someone special, that they are lead to trust them, and then are enticed by them to submit to child abuse can be sued.

    It is not about lawyers getting a lot of money. It is not about exposing the Watchtower. Listen to what Barbara and Joe and others are saying.

    It is about seeing justice, love and compassion established on earth.


  • belbab

    There have been:

    Two posters have posted their first post on this board in this thread.



    and AlyMc has her fourth post here.

    A warm welcome to this board. Thank you for voicing your concerns on this topic, it is necessary.

    A mother also is a first, has two posts. Thank you for heart wrenching story.

    There are four other posters who have less than 17 posts.

    These are all fairly new posters.

    This shows that there are many concerned people out there in JayDom who are anxious to voice and address the subject of child molestation.

    I, along with many others here, express my appreciation for your posts.


  • Cc81

    My best friends dad got DF'D for molesting some of the young boys in the hall.. Although he was df'd, it was never turned over to the police..

  • carla

    btt for any Friday night visitors.

  • liquidsky

    My cousin is a pedophile. He molested me when I was 8 years old. Of course, since his dad (my uncle) was an elder at the time,everything was kept hush hush.

    My sister was telling me that my cousin now is a ministerial servant, and a regular pioneer, and that all the single sisters in the congreation just think he's the greatest .....

  • avishai

    Great. I bet there's a bunch of single mom sisters too.

  • FairMind

    We have a brother in my congregation who is a registered sex offender. I discovered this when I was checking my county’s listing of sex convicted sex offenders and saw his name there. The details were aggravated sexual assault and child molestation. Appears that the crime involved only one child but it was serious enough that he served eleven years in prison.

    I don’t know if this is common knowledge in the congregation or not (no announcement). I do know that this brother always has an elder accompanying him when in field service. As far as I’m concerned, he did the crime and he served his time and I forgive him. Still, people need to be aware of what he did (i.e... Sex offender websites,etc.), especially people with children.

    Child molestation is a terrible sin but is very prevalent in the world in general. However, I would caution people to not think it is any worse in the JWs than everywhere else. Cover ups are wrong for sure but the truth is that cover ups are not a JW anomaly.

  • lulu20

    I was a victim of child abuse. i had an elder and his wife used me as thier sex slave while they looked after me for 2 years. I was very younf.

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