My Husband found out about this site...

by cognac 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • BFD

    cognac that is so ridiculous coming from someone who is lying about his time to Jehovah the WTBT$.

    25 hours...phhhhttttt!


  • dawg

    You know Cognac, since I've gotten over my fear of you, I really think you're the bomb. The one that you love has defended men that he doesn't know and turned his rage towards you... I've had that happen myself and it hurts.... What a crock of crap. Why can't he see reality you must be asking, and you know I have no answers. God, I wish all of this could have turned out differently... all of it... just like a drowning man, struggling for oxygen, I wish it could be different...

    That said, what in the world are you going to do? This must be unbearable.

  • Bryan

    Sorry to hear it. I thought he might be a little more open minded.

    Take care,


  • OnTheWayOut

    Wow, strength to you now, Cognac.

    If it helps, I prepared my wife for eventually finding out what sites I visit and how strong my
    feelings are. She never did discover this site because I clean my trail. More importantly,
    she decided to keep some blinders on.

    My reason for posting- my preparing her for it. I told her that trust in our marriage was so
    high. I told her that I wasn't cheating and I depended on her trust. Even though I was opening
    my mind to learn things about the JW's, I still had her trust. Basically, I told her that I had
    no intention of leaving her, committing adultery, doing something to hurt her, as long as our
    trust remains. That prepared her well for realizing that I wasn't going to be an active JW.
    She has let me fade since then.

    It might still be okay to establish that you and your husband have trust- even after the fact.
    You can tell him that you are not having an affair, you are not doing anything that 99.9% of the
    world would consider immoral. You can say you have no intention of making him do anything.
    That's if you need to reassure him or if you want to go that route. With his trust, you can say
    that you expect him not to get the elders involved, but to trust that you will be accountable for
    your own spirituality to God. I can see a mate going either way on that, but it's a good shot
    that he would honor the mutual trust.

    Recently, you were ready to damn the torpedos and go full speed ahead. That's not a terrible
    course, either. As I advised then, slow down and know what you want to do. I wish you well
    on your next course of action.

  • Must obey!
    Must obey!

    JW's love to pull out that harsh scripture. It's about all they can say to people who leave the organisation. The other one is "get behind me Satan." A long time friend said that to me recently, the asshole.

    Don't let it get you down....

    Here's what you need to do: Just quote to your (loving) husband the scripture in Isaiah 28:18 where Jehovah tells his people that their tables are full of of filthy vomit. When he tries to say that this only applies to Christendom, point out to him that if Jehovah's Witnesses are God's name people that houses "spiritual Israel" then how on earth could it apply to Christendom since they have never housed any of the anointed! He won't be able to deny that. Tell him that therefore this prophecy must mean today that Jehovah is disgusted with many aspects of HIS OWN PEOPLE, like he was back then with his OWN PEOPLE the ancient Israelites. Then tell him what aspects of his own people today does he think Jehovah would be similarly disgusted by as he was with his ancient name people? When he says he has no idea, let him know that websites such as this reveal all of the filthy vomit in the organisation that 99% Jehovah's Witnesses deny exists and are afraid to find out about!

    You go girl!

  • momzcrazy

    Aww I'm sorry. Don't lose too much heart. I gave my husband hell for many years about him leaving. Stuff like "Why do I have to do your job too?" even worse and more mean than what your hubby said. Ask if you can sit sown and explain your reasons for doubting the org. Reassure him it doesn't change your love for him and that you will still support him if he wishes to still go. Hopefully it won't take him 8 yrs to wake up like it did me.

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    it's ok darling. it all happened on your path to healing and new life.

  • cognac

    oh, good lord, this didn't go well at all...

    he made me so mad, cause everything he said wasn't scriptual...

    so, I said a bit later that it hurt that he said that... So, he said, in his nicest way, "then, don't return to vomit"...

    wow, so I said, "So, are you asking me not to ever go back to the kingdom hall"

    hmmm, that went over well....

    anywho, I brought up 2 Pe. 2:1 talking about false teachers, and he already knows about the jw teachings (via me) about organs teachings, rape teaching, and i also brought up the blood issue... anyways, he went to read the surrounding teachings in 2 Pe., got mad that I said, "interesting" or something, then got mad, slammed the bible on the table and left...

    Haven't seen him since...

  • Abandoned
    wow, so I said, "So, are you asking me not to ever go back to the kingdom hall"

    I love your moxie!!! Yep, you have to stand up for yourself. It's 100% essential.

    You're going to be fine. One way or another, I don't see you letting life keep you down.

  • TheSilence

    I really am so very sorry that you have to go through this and wish I had something more to offer than saying how very sorry I am. I do hope for a positive outcome eventually.


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