Does Debating Have to Be Abusive - To Be Effective ?

by flipper 143 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillary_step


    It is not often that we find common ground, so when we do, I think it should be noted for posterity. ;)

    Why do persons at times resort to abuse? A major reason could be that they honestly, unequivocally believe they are correct and if someone cannot see their basis for their logical response, then they regard the other as dumb, uneducated, ignorant or outright stupid.

    And it might not be "nice" of them but they might be right.

    That is an excellent post imo.


  • darkuncle29

    The times that I've gotten snippy or nasty, I usually regret later. I don't like to be a nasty person, doesn't matter if I'm right or not, its just lacks class. Being able to walk away and not respond, to not let others push our emotional buttons I think is a good thing.

    I also think that for a while, newbies should just be given the benefit of the doubt. Let them defend the JW beliefs, let them be newbies. Kicking somone whos already down has no honor. Are JW beliefs so tough that we need to get nasty to logically defeat them? I think a mild gentle honest answer speaks more than a 'zinger', and it doesn't activate their defenses.

    But I also do enjoy witty, cheeky sarcsm. I think the balance needs to be found between polite public behavoir, but not sappy fake nice either. We all need to grow thicker skins, and become less reactive. I also don't like PC, as I think it is the worst of fake, and ushers in censorship in the guise of tolerance.

    So my point blank answer: No, it doesn not have to be nasty, and may actually be more effective when not.

    Same goes for face to face meetings, louder dosent' mean right. I hate loud people, ok their speech not them.

  • coffee_black

    .....................head spinning....(no smiley for that)......

    All the best,


  • BurnTheShips
    Why do persons at times resort to abuse? A major reason could be that they honestly, unequivocally believe they are correct and if someone cannot see their basis for their logical response, then they regard the other as dumb, uneducated, ignorant or outright stupid.

    But that sounds......religious doesn't it?


  • R.Crusoe

    Good business for the undertaker!!

    'I dont find it funny you laughin!'

  • frankiespeakin


    Right - let us see if this poiint can be scientifically explored and reasonable conclusions drawn!
    Everyone abuse me till you are done and then I will tell you how effective it was!

    Why don't you start a thread titled: "Get Your Frautrations on Me, Hit Me With Your Best Shot, No Holds Barred". And see how you feel after one day of no retailiation and then the second day with retailiation, and on the third day tell us how you feel, and what the difference was between both days.

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    BA- Nope.

  • R.Crusoe

    Great ideas!

    I've done that real time and for longer but online is cool!

    I rekon after you been down a hole at the bottom of a sewer drinkin the dregs for a few years, whatever anyone says is like popcorn!

  • Twitch

    You know, it almost goes without saying that some prefer to be right over being "nice" or "respectful". The two are not mutually exclusive but much depends on the person and their ego IMO.

    Me, I give as well as I get. When in Rome,....

  • flipper

    Mrs. Flipper here chiming in... Brother apostate - great photo. Reminds me of a saying - If you roll with pigs you both get muddy but the pig likes it. The whole name calling anger thing is interesting - pretty much takes the attention off of the original subject and onto the arguers' personalities. A lot of energy spent that could go into getting ideas across and trying to understand how others think on THE SUBJECT. As for a comment made that Mr. F needs to grow up - yikes. If that ain't the pot calling the kettle black. Mrs. Flipper

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