Does Debating Have to Be Abusive - To Be Effective ?

by flipper 143 Replies latest jw friends

  • llbh

    I have not read all the above posts just some this is my take on the issue.

    On the issue being debated i think being abusive or unkind is counterproductive. To debate robustly is a good thing.

    I noted that HS when posting on Merry's thread though disagreeing with her was complementary about the way she defended herself that imo is the way we should behave.

    If we do not like what someone says, offer constructive criticism . If people are rude to me which is rarely i move on

  • hillary_step


    And why you think what I said is "hypocrisy" is something I just don't understand.

    Because the advise you gave about how to handle 'debates', is not the Minimus that I have seen over the years, often raising a flamewar storm in the past and because the advise and moral high ground that others have attempted to take on the issue belies their actual behavior.

    This is hypocritical. Simple.


  • hillary_step

    R. Crusoe,

    Some of us used to fill em to the brim but that dont mean we still do!

    Are you quite sure about that? I have read some of your posts. ;)


  • R.Crusoe

    Obviously not the one on the 'are you afraid to post thread?'

  • erynw

    Being abusive is never acceptable and should not be tolerated.

    Those who choose to be abusive say more about themselves than they could ever attempt to say about their target.

  • Abandoned

    Being abusive is never acceptable and should not be tolerated.

    Those who choose to be abusive say more about themselves than they could ever attempt to say about their target.

    You see, this is why I love you Eryn.

  • R.Crusoe

    I hope you are feeling much better Eryn! It is excellent to see you here.

  • wednesday

    I am not always right but dam* it I'd like to be.

  • BizzyBee

    Those who choose to be abusive say more about themselves than they could ever attempt to say about their target.

    Couldn't agree more. Unfortunately, sometimes those abusers are rescued by the mods deleting their abusive remarks. Oh, well.

    Being abusive is never acceptable and should not be tolerated.

    And how does the one abused (the 'abuse-ee') convey this in practice? Just curious.............

  • UnConfused

    Why is it that people seem compelled to point out how smart they think HS and farkel are when they are about to disagree? Is it because they hope to placate them and reduce the amount of backlash they are about to receive?

    Just asking is all.

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