Do you sometimes feel really disconected from people?

by Aphrodite 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • tijkmo

    yeah i'm feeling ya

    Thats got to have an affect on a young persons emotional development.

    it has an effect on anyones emotions. i was df-ed for 18 months and was virtually a basket case by then.

    see the thing is even tho supposed 'princes' do not understand..the fact is that a creator knows the effect such cruel treatment has on his creation..this for me is sure evidence that jah is not directing jws

    not that this knowledge makes me any saner however

  • Aphrodite

    Thanks everyone for your hugs, it helps to know others are going through/been through the same thing.

    SireNose Thats exactly how I feel, numb, and numb to life as well. Not depressed or sad or anything, just like "Whats the point." I feel like I only keep going for those around me (husband and kids) but Im not suicidal or anything. Just drifting, numb and a pointless existence.

    You know, I think Im going to tell my story, I think that will help. There is so much to share. We should do a compilation of ex JW stories and publish, Im sure it would be a best seller, so much juicy stuff!

    (Just noticed I am no longer a Newbie, lol)

  • 5go

    What people?

  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    I go through phases where I feel really connected and happy and outgoing followed by phases where all I want to do is shut myself away from the world and never be seen again. It's awful, and yes I do believe it has to do with being shunned and alone for a long time.

    Amen to that... I go through the same thing... I think it's common to those that have been emotionally raped.


    May I offer a different experience? I was not raised in the cult.

    My dad was an alcoholic and I was molested as a child by two family members. I never felt connected to many people growing up. It wasn't until I began my Bible study that I felt as good as everybody else because I was just as important to God as anyone was.

    Now, I wouldn't worship the God of the Bible even if I believed in him but I owe my self-confidence to Jehovah's Witnesses. The love bombing actually made me appreciate myself a bit.

    I am glad I left for 10 years because that is really when I began to find myself. I went back 6 years ago and knew something wasn't right. I've been gone now for 7 months. My self confidence is high even though I have my bad days from time to time. I never meet a stranger.

    If it wasn't for that experience I may have never gotten past my childhood.

    I can't imagine being raised in the cult and how bad that messes up your self esteem and ability to assimilate into "the world" and live a normal life. I raised my kids that way and they know. I've been able to forgive everyone in my life who has treated me badly, except the WTS and I never will.

    I hate those evil bastards and your posts are one of the biggest reasons why.

    (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((GROUP HUG)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  • LtCmd.Lore
    Do you sometimes feel really disconected from people?

    Yeah, but I learned to like it better that way.

  • erynw


  • daytona27

    Absolutely. I feel like I'm between worlds and I'll never fit into either, won't be able to meet someone and have a normal loving relationship or have friends or family. I've been out two years and have made efforts to return, but wonder if I'll ever settle into either. I feel pretty lost.

  • choosing life
    choosing life


    Sorry to hear you're feeling badly. My son was disfellowshipped when he was 18. It was a horrible time in my life. I still called him regularly, but didn't have a normal relationship for years. The elders kept hounding me. I am pleased to have a really close relationship with him now.

    I no longer care what anyone thinks, as he is my son and I will always love him dearly. The whole crazy mess caused us both to have emotional problems. Do get some help if you want. I wish I would have gotten some many years ago.

    Don't give up on your mom. Things change and a most mothers can't stand to shun their children. I know some that are very bitter that their children all chose to leave "the truth." What an abusive religion to cause such hurt. If they would only wake up and see their children are very much alive and lovable.

    Best wishes to you, choosing life

  • noni1974

    I feel very disconnected from people.I always have.

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