Beauty out of Neglect (Pictures)

by Bumble Bee 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • eclipse


    I agree that you have a great eye, BB!

  • GoddessRachel

    Thank you for sharing. I love how beautiful snow looks on everything! Finding beauty in "everyday" things is the stuff of life!



  • dinah

    Beautiful BB!!!

    It's like that old place has just sat there lost in a long-ago time. How wistful!

    Maybe you have inspired me to take up the hobby of photography. It's easier in the digital age, I suppose. I think I could probably point and shoot. Would have to work on my artistic eye though. You have it all down!!!!

  • momzcrazy

    Very cool pictures. I would be imagining life there 100 yrs ago. My friend here grew up on a 600 acre farm in a pre Civil War mansion that her ancestors built. It is still a working farm and Gran Ann, her mom, still lives in the mansion. It's haunted but it's all her family so she isn't scared of them.

    I bet those lilacs are beautiful in the spring.


  • Younglove1999

    BEAUTIFUL photos!

  • Satanus

    Very nice. The snowcoat softens everything. Thanks.


  • GoddessRachel
    On my travels this morning, I drove past an abandonded farm. I've driven past here before, and stop there every May/June and pick the sweetest smelling lilacs. Something compelled me today to turn around and go back and do some exploring and take pictures. I thought I'd share the beauty I saw there today with you all here.

    I would also like to say I'm a bit envious of the schedule that allows you to 1) travel and 2) stop in your travels and take in the beauty around you. If you don't mind my asking, Bumble Bee, what do you do?



    Stunning pics - My favorite is the single pane. You are a girl after my own heart. The winter walk in Hocking Hills is this weekend and I won't be able to go. I wish you were here and we could go together.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    First thank you all for your kind comments. I love the beauty that is all around us, and to be able to capture, even a small part and share it with others, is something very special.

    Rachel, I have a couple of seasonal jobs. One is working for a school photographer, but it is not really an artistic outlet. It is all so formulated, regulated, and you really can't vary from that. Plus, nature is where my heart is. I'm inbetween my jobs right now, and had to take one of my doggies in for her treatment. I had the time and took a drive through the country today. Even though it is cold and snowy, and Canadians love to complain about the winter, I love it. There is a beauty there that many overlook.


  • Narkissos

    Beautiful pics. Thanks.

    Only half-related, but among the most fascinating sights I remember from Ireland are the many ruined churches and abbeys with their architectural lines standing open against the peaceful infinity of nature.

    Long after I found those lines in Nietzsche's Zarathustra: "For even churches and gods'-graves do I love, if only heaven looketh through their ruined roofs with pure eyes; gladly do I sit like grass and red poppies on ruined churches."

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