Beauty out of Neglect (Pictures)

by Bumble Bee 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • VoidEater

    BB: Much appreciated. Doorway4 in particular resonated with me.

  • Mrs. Witness
    Mrs. Witness

    Great composition! I suppose you are an Ansel Adams fan? But, then, who isn't?

  • delilah

    Thanks for sharing BB....What I wouldn't give to buy property like that!!!! I'd refurbish that barn, into a huge home, with an art studio....... *drool*.

    That's my dream....

    some of those pics would look nice painted on a sawblade....

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee
    The winter walk in Hocking Hills is this weekend and I won't be able to go. I wish you were here and we could go together.

    So do I A&W! That would be awesome! It will be beautiful this October though.

    Long after I found those lines in Nietzsche's Zarathustra: "For even churches and gods'-graves do I love, if only heaven looketh through their ruined roofs with pure eyes; gladly do I sit like grass and red poppies on ruined churches."

    Nark - beautiful quote! Thank you for sharing that. It's always been my dream to tour Ireland. My heritage lies there.

    Mrs. Witness - Ansel Adams is who I want to be when I grow up . I love his work!

    What I wouldn't give to buy property like that!!!! I'd refurbish that barn, into a huge home, with an art studio....... *drool*.
    That's my dream....

    Delilah - It is a beautiful piece of property and that was what I was thinking as I was wandering around there this morning. The sad thing is, because of where it is, I think the owner is sitting on it until it can be developed. Alot of the farmland in area is already zoned industrial (across the highway), and if not industrial, then residential. The city is forever creeping towards this little jewel. I'd give it about 5 years and it will be gone.

    Void Eater - anything in particular about that photo that jumped out at you?


  • quietlyleaving

    nice pics BB - I love trees in winter

  • llbh

    Hi BB

    Isn't it amazing how the snow makes something so forlorn as a decaying unused building look beautiful.? the snow seems to act as a cover for the inadequacies of the buildings.

    Very beautiful. Where i am we rarely see snow like that

    Regards David

  • bikerchic

    Those are beautiful BB thanks for show us them! I loved how they have the appearance that you were shooting with black and white film when it was totally the color of the season, really cool!

    I can't say I have a favorite they are all beautiful on their own merrit. I would however love to see the same pictures in the sping especially when the lilac is in bloom.

    There is an old farm house my hubby and I ride by on one of our bike rides we do not too far from our house and your pictures remind me of it. We usually get off our bikes and explore that house and the farmland around it making up stories about who must have lived there and imagining it in it's glory days. I'll have to take a trip out there and take some pictures of it in the next snow, if my car will make it up the hill w/o chains! I'll post them when I do.

  • Crumpet

    Absolutely stunning Bumble Bee. I'm so glad you worded the thread the way you did - that particular composition of words drew my eye and such rewards I would have missed without them.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    bikerchick - I'd love to see the pics if you can get there safely! I will definately go back in the spring. Lilacs are one of my favourite flowers and I fill the house with their sweet smell and beauty for as long as I can when they are in bloom.

    crumpet - I'm glad you enjoyed the photos!


  • Mincan

    BB, where is that farm?! It looks very familiar to me and I know I lived in your area for a while.

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