News from Mother ship

by jefferywhat 283 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • inkling
    If there is a power struggle going on between Losch and Jaracz, it wouldn't surprise me.

    Is Losch more or less hardline than Jaracz?

  • Mary

    Ted Jackass Jaracz is to the Borg, what George Bush is to Americans: A tyrannt who is hell bent and determined to do things HIS way, no matter how many lives are lost, or screwed up.

    Look at all the changes that have happened over the last couple of years:

    1. Their interpretation of 'this generation' changed (again) last year
    2. 1935 is no longer the absolute cut off date for 'annointed'
    3. Many Bethelites lost their homes and jobs and were kicked to the curb for no reason whatsoever
    4. They're getting rid of the PO's positions
    5. Witnesses can accept 'fractions' of blood
    6. After 130 years, headquarters is moving out of Brooklyn

    It should be interesting to see what the next 'noo light' is going to be........

  • AllTimeJeff

    Losch is his own man, which pisses off Jaracz.

    He thinks American football promotes violence. This is not an urban legend (if you trust me) but Losch mentioned around Super Bowl time one year his opinion during morning worship. He was obliged to apologize two days later after being told that way too many heavies like the NFL.

    He still slips in little shots every now and then. Did so a couple of times while I was there.

    Jaracz is addicted to the Knorr era. I actually don't know where Losch stands on a lot of issues. He makes vague comments all the time about these teachings that need "updating". When he gave the concluding talk at my Gilead grad, he practically read the Revelation Climax book as he reviewed Revelation. (he slipped and fell and gave that talk from a wheel chair)

    My impression based on all that I have seen of Losch is that he is biding his time. In addition to his very distant personality, his practical reading of most of his talks leads me to believe that he really doesn't believe it, but is towing the line till the time is right.

    I have a rule about JW elders, GB or otherwise that has worked pretty well for me. Be careful of the ones who don't show their hand. The blustery ones, at least you know where you stand. Sam Herd, you know where you stand. Losch, Splane, Jackson, they play it pretty close to the vest. They do their work behind the scenes.

    Long answer, but I don't think Losch is a hardliner. I think he is waiting for the right time to push his agenda.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Mary, do you think that at least some of your list is in spite of Teddy? I wouldn't be surprised if he pushed for the PO change and I am sure that one of the few unanamous votes the GB ever did was in cutting payroll and staff at Bethel.

    But I bet the generation change and blood fractions were over Teddy's almost dead body.

  • lrkr


    The thing with the Gilead instructructors happened some time back. From what I understand, Liverance is an elder in a congo in NJ and Bowen is an elder in Arizona (like they really got let go!!) I didn't hear about Noumair.

    My first thought was- wow- this sounds like Dunlap- a Gilead instructor does a little too much research. Another theory I have heard is that Bowen- being anointed now- is being groomed (with some good "field" experience) to become a member of the GB.


  • AllTimeJeff

    Interesting. Where did you hear that from?

  • LovesDubs

    Im thinking Jehovah himself is the apostate :)

  • InquiryMan

    I remember meeting Noumear when he was serving at Bethel in Nairobi, Kenya, in the mid 80s.

  • tresdecu


    Hey...If there's any newbee lurkers out there, grab a cup of coffee and read this whole thread. I go back to it every now and then hoping, praying...that there might be some cataclysmic change in the WTS Inc.

    If the berlin wall can come down, and if the 'world wide church of god' can implode so can the WTS...

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Noumair is still at Gilead as is Stovall (the Gilead secretary). I didn't know that Bowen was at Bklyn... I speculated that Bowen likely will be a new GB now that he is anointed (how convenient) and knows Greek and Hebrew (supposedly).

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