Who had the HOTS for YOU?

by nomoreguilt 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere
    Two elders, different times. Both widowed. Both in their forties. First time I was 18, second time I was 20.

    Both reported to body of elders, neither counseled or struck off.

    It was obviously your fault... you and your sinful "cow in heat" temptations!

  • Warlock

    I'm going out on a limb here, but I get the feeling that Warlock might have more than agape love for me.

    Going out on a limb? Did you not get the message? I MIGHT hots for you?

    I HAVE THE HOTS FOR YOU...........................UNTIL THE DAY I DIE.............AND I'LL BE LOOKING FOR YOU IN THE AFTER-LIFE................IF NOT SOONER.


  • mrsjones5

    I'm aware of 3 "brother" who did, later became engage to one of them. There possibly could have been more.

  • Finally-Free

    Nobody had the hots for me. Someone finally married me because there were no other single brothers™ in the congregation who weren't either minors or old geezers.


  • BIG D
    BIG D

    I had the hots for all of them, and chased and caught several

    big d

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    I always seemed to attract the cougars for some reason.........

  • FlyingHighNow

    There were several, but the most striking were a father and his two sons. The youngest one was 19 and I was 30. He was madly in love with his fiance. But he was also crazy about me and always let me know it. He would kiss my hand and sit next to me at the book study and let his hand brush my knee. He was such a smoldering hunk of a kid. And yes, there was chemistry. It was hard to keep my mind on innocent things around him. He knew I liked him. He could tell. Never had to tell him so, the vibe was so strong. I still smile to this day when I think of him. Yummy.

  • JWdaughter

    ATTN CYRUS: Cyrus, I married a guy from India who looked middle eastern(and he had a little tummy too)-my son was nicknamed Aladdin throughout his school years, nuff said? Apparently 'I' thought the guy was attractive. And girls are totally after my son. . .NOT TO MENTION, you said you are married. Someone else has (or at least had) the hots for you:)

    OTOH, my first husband had non-'hot for me' motives in marrying me. Not sure what my second one married me for. It wasn't sex.

    When I was in the SCA a funny little blond guy seemed to have the hots for me-but I flirted a lot and he probably thought he'd get lucky with me, where all the other wenches might like the big, tough, warrior types. I flirted with them too, but thats all:) The SCA was kind of crazy. . .I miss that group. I think some of you all would fit in:)

    In Jr. high, the guy I had the hots for was a funny, short redheaded guy. He was a bard at heart. I love those guys:) The redheaded bards. *sigh*

  • thom

    This creepy pioneer sister. She was maybe 5 years older than me but had never been married (I was in my late 30's at the time). I was married and she used to tell my then wife how lucky she is and how good looking I am. That really creeped me out, not because some woman was saying that, but because she was so creepy. She was about as homely as a woman could look, and she never swallowed her spit, instead she'd drool it and spit it while talking. I'm getting sick just thinking about her now (ewwww).

  • brinjen

    A couple of the brothers had a bit of a crush on me. One of them, it was found out a few years later is a pedophile.

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